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Unit 9 AP World history test- The americas Flashcards

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131334565What did the Spanish come to the Americas for?Gold, glory, and god.0
131334566Where was the Incan capital located?Machu Picchu (top of the Andes mountains)1
131334567What were the Toltecs like?Had many civil wars over religion which tore their society apart. Invaders from the north were able to destroy them in 1160s.2
131334568Native Americans....were nomadic and were divided into tribes. Well known tribes today appeared after the 1000s3
131334569What was hunter-gatherer culture like in North America?Women tended to gather berries and roots, weave, make pottery, and raise children, but status was secondary to men.4
131334570What is the Southwest Desert presently known as?Arizona and New Mexico5
131334571What settlement occurred during the 300s-800s BCE?Mongollon, Hohokam, and Anazazi (300-1300 CE)6
131334572What was Anazazi life like?Make pueblos on open flat land, caves, canyons. Also held religious ceremonies in underground chambers (kivas)7
131334573What were the underground chambers that the Anazazi held religious ceremonies in called?Kivas8
131334574What were some of the Ohio and Mississippian Valley civilizations?Adena, Hopewell, and Mississippian.9
131334575How did the Mississippian civilization live?Built great mounds and cities. The largest city was Cahokia.10
131334576What was the largest city in the Mississippian civilization, where was it located, and what was the population?Cahokia, in western Illinois, had a population of 30,00011
131334577What was the height of the Aztec empire and its population?Tenochtitlan-Tlatelco. Half million12
131334578How large was the Aztec population10 million13
131334579Where is the Aztec capital located current day?Mexico City14
131334580How large was the Aztec empire after all the land they conquered?/covered more than 125,000 square miles.15
131334581Who was the last ruler of the Aztecs?Moctezuma ll (1502-1520)16
131334582Who was Hernan Cortes?An explorer who led Spanish conquistadors to the Americas in the early 1500s. Cortes and a group of Spanish conquistadors captured and killed Moctezuma ll, the final Aztec ruler. They overthrew the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan, which fell in 1520 along with the death of Moctezuma ll.17
131334583Where is Machu Picchi current day?The top of the Andes Mountains18
131334584What was the capital of the Incan empire?Cuzco (interior lined with GOLD)19
131334585What where the early Andean civilizations?Chavin, Nazca, Moche, Huari, Tiahuanaco, and Chimu.20
131334586Where were Early Andean civilizations?Northwestern Andes21
131334587What were societies organized into clans called?ayllu22
131334588What were obligations to clans known as?mit'a23
131334589What was early Andean culture like?Women tended to be greatly constrained in their rights and freedoms. Terrace farming in all societies.24
131334590What was an invention that early Andean Civilizations used to count?Quipo25
131334591How much land did the Incan empire cover?3,000 miles. The incas ruled a territory that stretched from Chile in northern Ecuador and from the Pacific coast to the upper Amazon Basin.26
131334592Who did the Incas worship?The sun god27
131334593What were the central American societies?Olmecs and Maya.28
131334594What were central American societies like?Despotic or rigid dictatorships ruled by kings and priests. Had trade and economic interaction.29
131342003What was agriculture like in central american societies?Grew maize and potatoes30
131342004When did central american societies begin?5000-3000 BCE31
131342005Where was the mayan empire located?yucatan peninsula (southern mexico)32
131342006What accomplishments did the Mayan and Aztecs have?Built pyraminds, mainly for religious purposes, temples were built on top of pyramids to honor the gods.33
131342007What was the purpose of Tenochtitlan?Dedicated to Huizilopochtli (the sun god) and Tlaloc (the rain god)34
131342008What did the Spanish bring to the Americas?Diseases such as smallpox and measles which wiped out millions of natives. They're so nice ! :)35
131342009What were Spanish tactics used for?To stir up rivalries among various native tribes and allying with some against others36
131342010Who discovered Portuguese Brazil?Pedro Cabral in 1500 Accidental discovery. Outpost established in 1532, upgraded to governor-generalship in 1549, became a viceroyalty in 1720.37
131345650Who were Peninsulares?Spanish from Spain38
131345651Who were Creoles?Spanish born in Americas39
131345652Who were Meztizo?mixed Spanish/Native descent40
131345653What was a major priority during Spanish expedition?To convert Native Americans to Catholic Christianity41
131345654What did Spain and Portugal take, and how much did they take of it?Gold (185,000 kilograms) and Silver (16 million kilograms of silver)42
131345655Why was the House of trade established?To direct all trade and shipping from the New World through the Spanish port of Seville43
131354775What was the encomienda?Made all Native Americans subjects of the Spanish crown. Spanish generals and explorers were allowed to use the Indian as a source of labor44
131354776When did the character of the rule change?During 1530s and 1540s.45
131354777Who protested the cruel treatment of Indians?Dominican monk Las Casas, created New Laws and the encomienda system was abolished in 154246
131354778What was Agriculture and sugar production like?haciendas, estancias, and latifundias were huge estates for growing a single crop cheaply. Products included coffee, bananas, tomatoes, corn, and potatoes. Also sugar plantations, molasses, and rum.47
131356854What islands did the Dutch take over?Caribbean48
131356855When did the Dutch begin to settle in North America?The late 1500s and early 1600s49
131356856What did the Netherlands establish in 1621?The dutch west india company50
131356857What were the new Netherlands like?The largest and most famous Dutch colony, founded in what is now New York in the early 1600s. Their region had been explored and claimed by Henry Hudson on behalf of the Dutch in 160951

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