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Unit VII - Between the Wars

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19341781assembly linea type of manufacturing where the produce moves past the workers who each have a specific job - increases production but boring for the workers
19341782"talkies"the first movies with sound
19341783League of Nationscreated after WWI - it came before the United Nations - a group to allow all countries to try and solve differences peacefully
19341784Forbes ScandalCharles Forbes, director of the Veterans bureau and a close friend of Harding receives millions of dollars as a result of corruption
19341785Teapot dome ScandalSecy of State receives loans, cash and cattle for leasing US oil fields in Teapot Dome, WY- is convicted of accepting bribes and sent to jail
19341786mergersa business practice where 2 companies become one which increases profits
19341787anarchiststhose who want to abolish all forms of government
19341788ACLUAmerican Civil Liberties Union - created to provide legal defense for those whose civil rights have been violated
19341789Red Scarefear of Communists and supposed conspiracies to overthrow the government, created a general mistrust of foreigners in the US
19341790Sacco & Vanzettiaccused of murdering 2 during a payroll robbery, these men were tried and convicted mainly because they were anarchists
19341791National Origins ActUS created quotas for the number of immigrants that it allowed into the country, the quotas were based on the country the immigrant came from
19341792Black Tuesdaythe day the stock market crashed
19341793Hoovervillesshantytowns where the homeless lived during the great depression - called Hoovervilles to mock then President Hoover
19341794Bonus Marchjobless veterans marched on Washington DC trying to get the government to pay off on insurance policies promised after WWI
19341795recessiona period of difficult economic times not as severe as a depression - unemployment is high
19341796New DealFDR's plan to help the US recover from the Great Depression
19341797farm subsidiespaying farmers not to grow certain crops so as to reduce supply and increase price
19341798boondoggleto waste time and money on pointless and unnecessary work
19341799Social Security Actprovides unemployment insurance, pensions and payments to the disabled
19341800"priming the pump"pouring money into the economy to stimulate growth

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