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74237813weltridge on the body from a blow of a stick or whip
74237814shrouda sheet in which a corpse is wrapped
74237815nostalgiayearning for the past
74237816forestallstop or prevent
74237818vialsmall container for liquids
74237819misappropriateuse something dishonestly (as in stealing funds)
74237821thugvicious robber or murderer
74237823chagrindistress caused by humiliation or failure
74237824consternationdismay and confusion
74237826deplorablevery bad
74237827grievancereason for distress
74237829rudimentsbasic elements
74237830collateraladditional and related
74237834verminfleas, flies, rats, etc.
74237835digressedwander from the main topic
74237841sophomoricjuvenile (often regarded as humor)
74237842disparageregard or represent as worthless
74237843detachedaloof and objective
74237844squanderwaste (in money, time, or opportunity)
74237845mystiqueaura of mystery, awe, power, and sometimes secrecy
74237846inviolatesafe from injury or violation
74237847beratescold angrily
74237848alter ego"other self"
74237849tentativenot certain; hesitant
74237851pugnaciouseager to fight
74237852burlylarge and strong
74237853grimaceexpression of disgust or pain
74237854tiradea long, angry speech of criticism
74237855insubordinatedefiant of authority
74237856indifferentlacking interest
74237857coteriesmall group of people with shared interests
74237858transcendgo beyond the limits of
74237859ramificationconsequence of an action
74237860derogatoryshowing criticism or disrespect
74237861ebullientcheerful and full of energy
74237862catharsisprocess of releasing strong emotions and thereby providing relief
74237863unabashednot embarrassed or upset
74237864homagespecial honor
74237866insularignorant of or uninterested in cultures and ideas outside one's own experience
74237867morescustoms of a community
74237868provincialunsophisticated and narrow-minded
74237869ambivalencehaving mixed feelings about someone or something
74237870feistinesshaving energy, excitement, and strong determination
74237871anomalysomething that deviates from what is expected
74237873demonstrativetending to show feelings openly (opposite of impassive)
74237874acquiesceaccept something reluctantly but without protest
74237875deja vufeeling of already having experienced the present situation
74237876distraughtdeeply upset and agitated
74237877impassivenot feeling of showing emotion (opposite of demonstrative)
74237878peripheryouter edges of an area or group of people

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