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Vocabulary for AP Lang

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326898865Abnegationunwillingness to admit reality or truth; denial
326898866Abtrusedifficult to understand
326898867Acridstrong and sharp
326898868Affrontinsult; offense; intentional act of disrespect; V: insult or hurt the feelings of intentionally
326898869Anachronismsomething or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context
326898870August(adj.) majestic, inspiring admiration and respect
326898871Cacophonya loud harsh or strident noise
326898872Chagrinembarrassment; mortification; disappointment
326898873Clandestinesecretive, concealed for a darker purpose
326898875Deprecatedisapprove; belittle
326898876Desultorymarked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose
326898877Eclecticmade up of a variety of sources or styles
326898878Egregiousconspicuously bad or offensive
326898879Enamoredinflamed with love
326898880Eschewto avoid, shun, keep away from
326898881Facileeasily done
326898882Ficklelikely to change on a whim or without apparent reason
326898883Genericapplicable to an entire class or group
326898884Harbingersomething that indicates what is to come; a forerunner
326898885Hypochondriaca person suffering from abnormal anxiety about his or her health; one who imagines he or she is sick or has symptoms of a disease
326898886Imputeto blame or to charge
326898887Ineptunsuited; inappropriate; lacking skill; incompetent; CF. inapt: (of statements or ideas) inappropriate
326898888Intrepidvery brave, fearless, unshakable
326898889Juxtaposeto place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast
326898890Labyrinthcomplex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
326898891Machiavelliancunning, deceitful, and underhanded in business or politics; aiming to maintain power by whatever means necessary
326898892Mellifluoussweet and smooth sounding
326898893Nomada member of a people who have no permanent home but move about according to the seasons
326898894Ostentatiousshowy; intended to impress people
326898895Paradoxa statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
326898896Pathosa quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)
326898897Pensivedreamily or wistfully thoughtful
326898898Philistinea narrow-minded person with no interest in the arts
326898899Poignantdeeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell
326898900Prateto talk idly or foolishly at great length
326898901Propinquitynearness, closeness, proximity
326898902Redressto set right, remedy; relief from wrong or injury
326898903Reticentquiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings
326898904Satiatefill to satisfaction
326898905Staccatomarked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds
326898906Succinctbriefly and clearly expressed
326898907Sycophanta person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
326898908Tenaciousholding fast; holding together firmly; persistent
326898909Tyrobeginner; novice
326898910Vaingloriousboastful; excessively conceited
326898911Verboseusing more words than are needed; wordy
326898912Virtuosoa person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit
326898913Vivacityliveliness; animation
326898914Wantonimmoral, lewd

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