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WHAP Chapter 18-20 Test Review Flashcards

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111874488Name the territory that was added to RussiaAsia, also gained the leading role in eastern Europe0
111874489Name the political center that served as the focal point for the Russian liberation from the MongolsDuchy of Moscow1
111907973Name the Russian ruler that was a large part of Russia freed from Mongol control in the 15th centuryIvan III, he was a tax collector - refused to pay tribute to the Mongols2
111907975Name the government that Ivan the Great claims to have succeed as the "Third Rome"Byzantine Government3
111907976Name the empire that Ivan the Terrible declared that the Russian empire was the successor toRome4
111907977Define CossacksPeasants, adventurers, Russian pioneers. Peasants were recruited to migrate to newly-seized lands in the Byzantine Empire.5
111907978Following the death of Ivan IV, explain the Time of TroublesRussian boyars attempted to limit tsarist autocracy and gain new governing rights for themselves. Sweden and Poland attack Russian territory.6
111907979Name the family that was selected in 1613 to establish a new ruling dynasty in Russia.Romanov7
111907980Name the tsar responsible for the abolition of assemblies of the nobles and reform of the orthodox church.Alexis8
111907981Explain who the Old Believers wereDissident religious conservatives. They refused to accept tsarist reforms of the Orthodox Church and were exiled to Siberia for their conservatism. They maintained their religion and extended Russias colonizing activities.9
111907982Explain the political aspects of Western culture that peter the great emulated in russiaStreamlined Bureaucracy - recruited from outside aristocratic rank, giving the nobles titles to reward service. Recognized military - imitated Western military organization. Secret police supervised bureaucracy.10
111907983Name the sea that became critical in the development of Russian power during the reign of Peter the GreatBaltic11
111907984Name the place where Peter the Great established a new capital for Russia.St. Petersburg12
111907985Name the industries where Peter the Great's program of economic development was concentratedMining, Metallurgical (ship building), serf labor. DID NOT URBANIZE or develop a large commercial class13
111907986Name the next powerful ruler of Russia after peter the great's deathCatherine (II) the Great14
111907987Name the radical who urged the abolition of serfdom during the reign of Catherine the GreatRadishev15
111907988Name the areas that were colonized or claimed by the Russian empire during the reign of catherine the greatParts of Siberia, Poland, the pacific coast of North America as far south as modern California, Alaska. Resumed campaigns against the Ottomans, winning new territories in central Asia including Crimea.16
111907989Name the countries that participated in the successive partitions of PolandPoland, Russia, Prussia, Austria17
111907990Name the year that Russian serfdom became hereditary164918
111907991The labor obligation of Russian peasants to lords or to the state was known as an:Obrok19
111907992Name the percentage of the Russian population that remained rural in the 18th century.9520
111907993Who led the Russian peasant rebellion to end serfdom, taxation, conscription and abolish the landed aristocracy in the 1770s?Pugachev21
111915354What was grants of Indians to individual Spaniards in a kind of serfdom called?Encomiendas22
111915355Name the group of Indians that supplied agricultural labor for the Spaniards in the CaribbeanTaino23
111915356Describe what friar Bartolom e' de Las Casas did for the IndiansConverted natives to Christianity, and Initiated the struggle for justice for the Indians.24
111915357Name the person responsible for the conquest for the Aztec empire in MexicoHernan Cortes25
111915358Name the Indian institutions that were retained by the Spanish to serve European administration purposes.The traditional indian nobility was unaffected, but the Spanish inserted their authorities below the nobility as a middle man between the new rulers and the population26
111915359Colonial governments replacing the labor of the encomiendas with Indian labor extracted through local officials to work on state projects like churches mines, etc.the mita27
111915360Name where the greatest silver mine was locatedPotosi' in upper Peru28
111956699Name the year that silver in the Americas rapidly expandedAfter 158029
111956700What were heavily armed ships used to carry silver belonging to the crown called?Galleons30
111956701What treaty divided the sphere of influence belonging to Spain and Portugal?The treaty of Tordesillas of 149431
111956702Name the group of people who were most critical to the bureaucratic administration of the Spanish colonies in America.Letrados, university trained lawyers32
111956703What term describes the codification of the laws into the basis for government in the colonies? It was structured as Viceroys subdivided into 10 judicial divisions controlled by superior courts.Recopilacion33
111956704Define audienciasSuperior courts34
111956705Name the colony that became the first major plantation zoneBrazil35
111956706Name who caused the first landfall in the colony of Brazil in 1500Pedro Alvares Cabral36
111956707What were the strips of land granted to Portuguese nobles called?Captaincies37
111956708Name the proportion of the Brazilian population that made up the slaves1/238
111956709Name the European nation that followed the Brazilian model of a plantation colonyCaribbean39
111956710Name the region where gold was discovered in BrazilMountainous interior called Minas Gerias (General Mines)40
111956711Name the port that was associated with the discovery of gold in Brazil and subsequently became the capital of the colony.Rio de Janeiro41
111956712Name the Spanish dynasty that was responsible for the series of 18th century reforms that recast the colonial administration of the AmericasBourbon42
111956713Name the Minister of the Indies responsible for the 18th century reforms within the Spanish empireJose' de Galvez43
111976599List the early modern Islamic empiresAbbasid; Seljuk Turks; Ottoman; Safavid Dynasty; Mughal44
111976600Name the group that dominated the Abbasid dynasty prior to the Mongol invasionsSeljuk Turks45
111976601Name the original base of the Ottoman TurksAnatolia Peninsula46
111976602Name who restored the Ottoman Empire following the Timurid invasionsMehmad 1st47
111976603Name the year the Ottomans conquered Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire145348
111976604Give the term that describes Christian boys either taken from or given by parents as slave troops that later converted to IslamJanissaries49
111976605Name the head of the Ottoman central bureaucracyVizier50
111976606Name one of the most beautiful of the Ottoman mosques of ConstantinopleSuleymainye, or Selim-Larger dome51
111976607Name the chosen language of the Ottoman courtTurkish52
111976608Name the century when the Ottoman galleys were eclipsed by western naval power16th century53
111976609Name the European nation that first threatened the Ottoman monopoly of trade with East Africa and IndiaPortugal54
111976610Name the group that represented such extreme conservatism within the Ottoman Empire that reform was frustratedJanissaries55
111976611Name the center of the Safavid Empire (modern day state)Iran56
111976612Name the variant of Islam the Safavid dynasty began fromSufis Mystics57
111976613Name the year that the first Safavid was declared shah150158
111976614Who were followers of the Safavids, wore distinctive head gear, and Preached the Shiite doctrine?the Red Heads59
111976615Name the first Safavid ShahIsmail60
111976616Name the Shah who brought the Safavid Empire to its greatest extentAbabs 1st61
111976617Name the official language of the Safavid Empire after ChaldiranPersian62
111976618Name the capital of the Safavid Empire under Abbas the GreatIsfahan63
111976619Name the immediate successor of the Safavid dynasty in PersiaNadir Khan Afshan64
111976620Name the founder of the Mughal DynastyBabar65
111976621Name the battle that the first Mughal emperor successfully defeated the Muslim ruler of the Lodi dynasty in 1562Panipat66
111976622List the goals of AurangzebExtended Mughal control all over India; Purify Islam in India by removing the Hindu influences67
111981706List the primary limitations on the expansion of the agricultural economylack of technological improvement68
111981707Explain where in the Americas did the Spanish create the models that were applied throughout their possessions in the New WorldCaribbean69

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