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WHAP Chapter 1 Test Flashcards

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203544661big geographyglobal nature of world history0
203544662paleolithicdevelopment of stone tools1
203544663neolithicdevelopment of human technology2
203544664neolithic revolutionswitch to agriculture, construction of irrigation systems, domesticated animals, increased populations, village/urban life, forced labor systems, elite man power, led to the development of new and more complex economic and social systems3
203544665examples of improvements in agricultural production, trade, and transportationpottery, plows, woven textiles, metallurgy, wheels and wheeled vehicles4
203544666civilizationlarge societies with cities and powerful states5
203544667all civilizations...produced agricultural surpluses, contained cities and generated complex institutions, featured clearly stratified social hierarchies, and organized long-distance trading relationships6
203544668core and foundational civilizations developed where...agriculture flourished7
203544669core and foundational civilizationsmesopotamia, egypt, mohenjo-daro and harappa, shang, olmecs, chavin8
203544670where was mesopotamiatigris and euphrates river valleys9
203544671where was egyptnile river valley10
203544672where were the mohenjo-daro and harappaindus river valley11
203544673where was shangyellow river or huang he valley12
203544674where were the olmecsmesoamerica13
203544675where was chavinandean south america14
203544676the first states emerged within...core civilizations15
203544677early regions of state expansion or empire building weremesopotamia, babylonia, nile valley16
203544678culture played a significant role in unifying states through...laws, language, literature, religion, myths, and monumental art17
203544679new religious beliefs:the vedic religion, hebrew monotheism, zoroastrianism18
203544680examples of trade expansion from local to regional and transregionalbetween egypt and nubia, between mesopotamia and the indus valley19
2035446818 features of a civilization:arts and agriculture, cities, job specialization, organized/complex religion, public works and infrastructure, social classes, system of writing, well-organized central government20
203544682PERSIANpolitical, economic, religion, social, interactions, arts and agriculture, enviromental21
203544683paleolithic period-fire, stone tools, hunter/gatherers, nomads, belief in an afterlife22
203544684neolithic period-increasing population, villages, farmers, domesticated animals, women less important23
203544685afro-eurasiaafrica, middle east, asia24
203544686arts and agricultureexpressed the beliefs and values of the people that created it, statues, jewelry, furniture, temples, palaces, and other monuments25
203544687citiesfrequently surrounded by high walls (defense purposes), system of streets, religious centers, palaces and temples etc.26
203544688job specializationsurplus of food led to other occupations, artisans, metalworking, soldiers27
203544689organized or complex religionmost were polytheistic, complex rituals, built temples, sacrifices to gods28
203544690public works and infrastructureirrigation systems, bridges, roads, anything made to benefit the city29
203544691infrastructureany method of moving goods (roads)30
203544692social classespeople ranked according to their jobs, rankings=social classes, nobles and priests to artisans to peasants to slaves31
203544693system of writingrecord keeping (food supply and seasons), record rituals and prayers, scribes (write down records)32
203544694well-organized central governmentoversee food supply and irrigation process, warrior kings (heredity rulers), claimed right to rule came from heavens, legal systems, taxes, etc., royal officials or dept.'s oversaw functions and enforced order33
203544695politicalleaders/ groups, forms of government, empires, statue building/expansion, political structures, courts/laws, nationalism/nations, revolts/revolutions34
203544696economicagricultural/pastoral, economic systems, labor systems/organizations, industrialization, technology/industry, capital/money, business organizations35
203544697religiousbelief systems/teachings, philosophy, holy books, conversion, key figures, deities36
203544698socialfamily/kinship, gender roles/relations, social and economic classes, racial/ethnic factors, entertainment, lifestyles, "haves" and "have-nots"37
203544699interactionswar/conflict, diplomacy/treaties, alliances, exchanges between individuals, groups, and empires/nations, trade/commerce, globalization38
203544700artsart, music, writing/literature, philosophy, math, science, education, architecture, technology, innovations, transportation39
203544701eNvironnmentallocation, physical, human/environment, migration/movement, region, demography, neighborhood, urbanization, settlement patterns, disease, cities (2 major ones)40
203544702polytheismthe belief in many gods; each god typically has responsibility for one area of life, the most prominent god in many early societies was the Sun God41
203544703ancestor venerationbased on the belief that the spirits of the dead continue to dwell in the natural world and have the power to influence the fortune and fate of the living42
203544704shamanismfocus on nature spirits; belief that the shamans are intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit worlds43
203544705vedic religions to hinduismvedic religions-later known as hinduisn; development of the social and political roes of a caste system and in the importance of multiple manifestations oh Brahma to promote teachings about reincarnation; basic tenants of hinduism are= reincarnation, karma, dharma, and moksha; central belief in the universal spirit; belief in Brahman44
203544706hebrew monotheism to judaismmonotheism; reflected the influence of mesopotamian culture and legal traditions45
203544707zoroastrianismmonotheistic relgion developed under the Persians; belief in heaven and hell; unifying god ahura mazda46
203544708buddhismcore beliefs about desire, suffering, and the search for Enlightenment, basic tenets= four noble truths and the eightfold path47
203544709confucianismpromote social harmony by outlining proper rituals and social relationships; emphasized the importance of harmony, order, and obedience; if five basic relationships were sound, all of society would be to48
203544710daoismfounder is Laozi, a spiritualist; religion center on the Dao (way) the original force of the cosmos that is an eternal and unchanging principle that governs all the workings of the world49
203544711legalismemphasized that importance of rule of law, or the imperating for laws to govern, not men; punishments for offenders should be harsh and swift50
203544712christianitybased on core beliefs about teachings and divinity of jesus; it struggles to emerge from the hindu caste system; grew steadily and eventually because the religion with the most followers in the modern world; moral code based on lover, charity, and humility; final judgement day51

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