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World History Notecards set 2 Flashcards

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204310175Nomadspeople with no permanent home; move from place to place in search of food0
204310176Pastoral SocietyA society that domesticates and herds animals as its primary source of food1
204310177Foraging SocietyAny human culture or society that depends on a combination of hunting, fishing, and gathering wild foods for subsistence.2
204310178Domesticationthe taming of animals for human use, such as work or as food3
204310179Food Surplusextra food creation that allows people to engage in activities besides farming4
204310180Job SpecializationThe responsibilities of each job position are explicitly defined, and there is a precise division of labor within the organization5
204310181Barterexchange goods without involving money6
204310182Civilizationa society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes7
204310183Polytheismbelief in multiple Gods8
204310184Ziggurata rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians9
204310185Code of Hammurabithe set of laws drawn up by Babylonian king Hammurabi dating to the 18th century BC, the earliest legal code known in its entirety10
204310186Cuneiforman ancient wedge-shaped script used in Mesopotamia and Persia11
204310187The Epic of Gilgamesha Mesopotamian story that tells about the quest for immortality and the inevitability of death, and which includes a flood story similar to that of Noah's Ark. This epic is important because it illustrates the Israelites' same fear of death and desire for immortality.12
204310188Pharaohthe title of the ancient Egyptian kings13
204310189Hieroglyphicsan ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to represent ideas and sounds14
204310190Monotheismbelief in a single God15
204310191Akhenatenearly ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship (died in 1358 BC)16
204310192Harappa & Mohenjo-Darolarge cities along the Indus River by 2500 BCE; running water, distinctive alphabet, and artistic forms17
204310193Aryansnomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; vedas from this time suggest beginning of caste system18
204310194Dravidiansone of the main groups of people in India; probably descended from the Indus River culture that flourished at the dawn of Indian civilization over 4,000 yrs. ago19
204310195Dharmain Hinduism, the duties and obligations of each caste20
204310196VedasAncient Sanskrit writings that are the earliest sacred texts of Hinduism.21
204310197Chandragupta Mauryaking, founder of the Mauryan Empire22
204310198Caste Systema social structure in which classes are determined by heredity23
204310199BrahminsPriests, at the top of the caste system which the Aryans made24
204310200Untouchableslowest class of people in the caste system of Hinduism, do all the dirty work of society25
204310201VarnasSocial classes in Indian society26
204310202Karma(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation27
204310203Reincarnationthe Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of hell) depending on the person's own actions28
204310204MokshaThe Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths.29
204310205Nirvanathe lasting peace that Buddhists seek by giving up selfish desires30
204310206Siddhartha Gautamafounder of Buddhism31
204310207Four Noble Truths1) All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2) The cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hated and desire. 3) The only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirture. 4) The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the Eightfold Path32
204310208AsokaThe grandson of Chandragupta, who is considered the best leader of the Mauryan Empire.33
204310209Missionariespeople who work to spread their religious beliefs34
204310210Oracle Bonesanimal bones carved with written characters which were used for telling the future35
204310211Bronze Metallurgygave aristocrats in the Shang dynasty power because they had a monopoly on bronze tools36
204310212Mandate of Heavena political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source37
204310213Dynastic Cyclethe historical pattern of the rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties38
204310214Era of Warring StatesThe period of Chinese history between c. 500 and 220 B.C.E. characterized by the breakdown of the central government and feudal war.39
204310215ConfuciousA Chinese philosopher of the Zhou Dynasty, developed a code of behavior based on old traditions, good behavior, and truth.40
204310216Main Ideas of Confucianism(1) the rectification of names, (2) the relationship between human-heartedness and righteousness and (3) knowing Ming or fate.41
204310217filial pietyin Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors42
204310218DaoThe proper way Chinese kings were expected to rule under the mandate of heaven.43
204310219Legalismstrict conformity to the letter of the law rather than its spirit44

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