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329996646Kellogg-Briand PactPromised to keep peace, and outlawed war.
32999664764How many nations signed the Kellog-Briand Pact?
329996648Stimson DoctrineUS will not recognize territorial gains by force.
329996649ManchuriaManchukuo is also known as?
329996650Germany, Italy, JapanWho quit the league of nations?
329996651EthiopiaWho did Italy invade?
329996652First Neutrality ActNo arm sales to any other country, and if you travel you are traveling at your own risk.
329996653Second Neutrality ActNo loans or credits, and no arms.
329996654RhinelandThe first place Hitler takes is?
329996655Could have been avoidedWhen Hitler marches into the Rhineland, France does not move against the Germans. If the French had went on offensive, they could have defeated the Germans there. WW2 _________________.
329996656FrancoDictator of Spain?
329996657Third Neutrality ActCash and carry ships to the US.
329996658ChinaJapan takes __________, who the US continues to support.
329996659Rape of NankingWas a mass murder, and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanjing (Nanking), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. During this period hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.
329996660PanayJapanese planes fired on this US ship on the Yangtze River.
329996661SchuschniggWho called Hitler's home and told him to put Nazis in his government?
329996662AustriaThe first place Germany invades was?
329996663NavyWhen Germany invaded Austria, the US began to build up their ________.
329996664SudetenlandProvidence of Czechoslovakia.
329996665ChamberlainBritish Prime Minister?
329996666DaladierFrench leader?
329996667HitlerThe Sudetenland was wanted by Chamberlain and Daladier, so they met with ______ and tried to convince him not too take it.
329996668The Munich Pact"Appeasement". Giving into Hitler's demands and allowing him to take the Sudetenland.
329996669Peace in our timeAfter the Munich Pact, Chamberlain goes home and says __________________.
329996670CzechoslovakiaHitler takes all of ______________.
329996671AlbaniaItaly took _________.
329996672GermanyEngland and France declare war on who?
329996673PolandGermany attacks _________, causing Russia to move in the east.
329996674Non Agression PactHitler and Stalin both sign this treaty. Staling offered this treaty to France and England and they said no.
3299966752How many months does it take until Poland falls?
329996676BlitzkriegWhat was the "lightening war"-bombing from the air and land.
329996677SitzkriegWaiting period.
329996678Siegfried lineGermans built the _____________ for defense.
329996679Maginot lineThe allies (Britain and France) had the ______________ for defense.
329996680British, FrenchGermans move and cut the ______ and _________ lines.
329996681SixGermany invaded France, and it was defeated and secured in _________ weeks.
329996682Italy________ from the south supported Germany.
329996683DegaulleWho was a freedom fighter?
329996684Underground fightersWhat were freedom fighters?
329996685DunkirkA battle in which 1/3 of a million British troops floated to safety to England.
329996686PuppetThere was a _________ government in France, at the capital.
329996687Vichy_______ is the capital of France.
329996688PetainWho was the leader of the puppets?
329996689ChurchillChamberlain resigns and __________ takes over PM of England.
329996690Battle of Britain24 hour raids on England's cities.
329996691Havana actIf any nation in Americas were attacked, all would defend.
329996692Hull, and Havana, CubaWho was secretary of state, and where did he meet?
329996693BritainGermans did not invade _________ because they thought they were "down and hurt bad" and unable to fight offensively.
329996694Churchill"Never have so many owed so much to so few"
329996695British, 900The Royal Air force was whose? How many planes?
329996696Luftwaffe, 2600German air force that had how many planes?
329996697Hoover and RooseveltWho was involved with the "good will policy"
329996698ThirdIn the 1940 election, Roosevelt wins the ____ term.
329996699Lend Lease ActThe US sent 7 billion in aid to Britain, China, and Russia; no longer neutral.
329996700BritishUS began to escort ships to Iceland and then the ______ would pick up.
329996701TwoGermany invades Russia, now Hitler is fighting a ____ front war.
329996702Atlantic charterRoosevelt and Churchill meet and promise to support each other.
32999670390, 60Japan was importing _____% metal and _____% oil from the US.
329996704VietnamIndochina is also known as?
329996705JapaneseRoosevelt froze _______ assets in the US.
329996706Metal, oil, tools, ChinaRoosevelt put an embargo on ____, _____, and ______ that Japan wanted, and decide to lend lease to _____ instead.
329996707Cease, tradeJapan sent diplomats to the US. They wanted to _________ aid to China, and restore _____.
329996708China, French indochinaUS withdrew from ____ and ____________.
329996709December 7, 1941Japan attacks pearl harbor in Hawaii. Sunday morning.
329996712Pearl HaborAfter ______ we declared war on Japan.
329996713Germany, Italy_____ and ______ declare war on the US.
330057089Materials, men, money, propaganda4 things needed to convert to wartime society:
330057090PropagandaDehumanize the enemy:
330057091AxisThe US would out produce the ____ powers combined.
33005709216-65How old could you be to register for the army?
330057093Government issueGI stands for?
330057094Women's army corpsWAC stands for?
330057095non-combatantsWomen flew the _______________.
330057099Tuskeegee airmenFamous African American airmen
330057100California, Oregon, Washington, ArizonaWhere were internment camps located?
330057102400, 10The Japanese that were put in camps lost about _____ million dollars, and were paid back ____ percent.
33005710320,000President Reagan issued an apology to the Japanese and gave them __________ dollars.
33005710560, job securityWomen were receiving _____% of mens pay, but had no _______________.
330057106Rosie the RiveterA women worker was known as?
330057107Roosevelt___________ took over the mines, after the strike.
330057108StrikesAFL and CIO promised no _______.
330057109National War Labor BoardArbitration.
330057110RandolphTried to organize a march on Washington.
33005711134Riot in Detroit, ___ killed.
330057112War Production boardControlled war production and materials.
330057113Office war mobilizationEverything controlled by government Truman supervised.
330057114Office price administrationFixed rents, set prices.
330057115Food, clothing, gasPeople had to sacrifice ______, _____, ______.
330057116Tax, bondsTwo ways to raise money:
330057117PatriotismEnemy is evil.
330057118PropagandaMovies, posters, radio, magazines, paper.
330057119MarshallUS army chief of staff.
330057120EisenhowerEuropean allied leader.
330057121Defeat Hitler, unconditional surrenderObjective of the US:
330057122Polar routeOver iceland to Murmansk (russian port).
330057124Scorched earth policyBurn as you retreat.
330057125OilWhat controlled Stalingrad?
330057126Counter offensiveRussia was on the _____________ at Stalingrad.
330057129North AfricaOperation Torch was where?
330057130RommelGerman commander?
330057131D-dayOperation overlord was what famous day?
330057132The World"It had to be successful"
330057133US commander"Now the Germans will have to pay for their infatuation of Hitler"
330057136EastBombed area ____ to throw Nazi's off.
330057138Battle of the BulgeLast major counter offensive.
330057139SuicideHow does Hitler die?
330057140MacArthurCommander of American forces?
330057141NimitzNaval commander?
330057142MacArthur"I shall return"
330057143AustraliaMacArthur escapes to _________.
330057144Bataan65 mile death march (thousands died).
330057145James DoolittleRaid on Tokyo.
330057146JapanJames Doolittle was successful because he caused _____ to pull back its navy and air force, and to defends its homeland.
330057147Battle of the Coral Sea1st non victory, Japan was unable to gain control.
330057148Americans, AustraliansWhen Japan attempts to invade Australia, he is held off by _____ and ______.
330057149StalingradTurning point of eastern europe:
330057150Midway IslandsTurning point of the pacific:
330057151Midway IslandsUS stops and defeats Japan at where?
3300571524, 1, 1At Midway Islands Japan lost ___ carriers, battleships and the US lost ____carrier, and _____ destroyer.
330057153Solomon IslandsBattle of Guadalcanal took place where?
330057154SullivanAt Guadalcanal there was terrible fighting, this is where the ____ brothers died.
330057155US____ wins Guadalcanal.
330057157MacArthur, NimitzWhich two commanders were present at the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
330057158Kamikaze pilotsFly planes loaded with bombs into ships.
330057159TrumanPresident Roosevelt dies, and ___________ becomes president.
330057160OppenheimerWho headed the Manhattan project?
330057161"The trinity test"New Mexico atomic bomb explosion:
330057162HiroshimaFirst atomic bomb was at where?
330057164NagasakiSecond atomic bomb was at where?
33005716620,000Air raids over Tokyo caused ____ dead.
330057167HirohitoWho from Japan surrenders?
330057168Tokyo BayWhere did the Japanese surrender?
330057169VJ dayThe day the Japanese surrender is known as?
330057170More than 1 trillion dollarsCost of the war?
330057171100 millionHow many deaths from the war?
330057172292,000;670,850US deaths and injuries from WW2?
3300571734Germany was divided into ____ sections.
330057174US, MacArthurJapan became occupied by the _______ especially _______.
330057175NurembergNazis were tried where?
330057178UnsuccessfulLeague of nations was _________.
330057179DCPlans for the UN were drawn up in ____.
330057180YaltaWhere were the UN plans presented?
33005718150, San FranciscoHow many nations sign the UN charter, and where?
33005718223,000How many workers for the UN?
330057183General assemblyAll member nations have a vote.
330057184Britain, US, France, China, Soviet UnionWho were apart of the Security council?
330057185Veto powerThe nations in the security council had what kind of power?
330057186EmergencyAnyone in the security council can call an _______ meeting.
33005718710, 2___ other nations are in the security council, and rotate every ___ years.
330057188International court of justice15 judges, every 9 years they rotate.
330057189TrusteeshipTerritories become independent.
330089907Laurie's mom"The popular thing is not always the right thing"
330089908Churchill"Never have so many owed so much to so few"
330089909Schindler"He who saves one life saves the world entirely"
330089910Schindler"The war brings out the bad in people, never the good, always the bad"
330089911FDR"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date that will live in infamy"
330089912Clinton"When they were young, they saved the world"
330089913Captain"Two types of men that are going to be on that beach today, the dead, and those that are going to die, okay let's go"
330089914Miller"Earn this"
330093463Battle of Normandy (D Day)Turning point of western europe:

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