21034150 | die Tür | the door | |
21034151 | fremd | strange/unknown | |
21034152 | deen Hut ziehen | to take off one's hat | |
21034153 | der Ausländer | foreigner | |
21034154 | der Schnitt | cut | |
21034155 | hierzulande | in these parts/in this country | |
21034156 | bunt | colorful | |
21034157 | der Kolibri | hummingbird | |
21034158 | dabei | moreover/ in so doing/there/present | |
21034159 | die Schläfe | temple (the one on the head) | |
21034160 | erwidern | reply | |
21034161 | die Handbewegung | the hand gesture | |
21034162 | das Schild | the nameplate | |
21034163 | mochte sie bedeuten | it seemed to say | |
21034164 | bestürst | crestfallen/dismayed | |
21034165 | verreist | off on a trip | |
21034166 | lächeln | to smile | |
21034167 | verlegen | embarrassedly | |
21034168 | baden | to bathe | |
21034169 | offenbar | apparently | |
21034170 | aufrichtig | genuine | |
21034171 | die Freude | the joy | |
21034172 | beenden | finish | |
21034173 | betreten | to enter/step into | |
21034174 | der Flur | the hallway | |
21034175 | zur Seite weichen | to step aside | |
21034176 | ausgezeichnet | very well indeed | |
21034177 | ins Leben getraten sein | to come into life/be born | |
21034178 | wie man zu sagen pflegt | as one says | |
21034179 | das Büro | the office/study | |
21034180 | die Garderobe | the coattrack | |
21034181 | einige Zeit dauern | to take some time | |
21034182 | der Betende | supplicant | |
21034183 | Wert legen auf | to attach importance to | |
21034184 | eine historisch ainwandfreie Darstellung | an historically impeccable account | |
21034185 | fortbringen | to take | |
21034186 | betrachten | to examine | |
21034187 | sich befinden | to be/find oneself | |
21034188 | alles beim alten | everything as it was back then | |
21034189 | stillgesetzt | stopped/suspended | |
21034190 | der Stich | the engraving | |
21034191 | der Bücherschrank | the bookcase | |
21034192 | der Sessel | the armchair | |
21034193 | die Lederhaut | the leather upholstery | |
21034194 | schäbig | shabby | |
21034195 | Beklemmung empfinden | to feel depressed | |
21034196 | die Möbel | the furniture | |
21034197 | jahraus jaurein | year in year out | |
21034198 | behütet | preserved | |
21034199 | abgestaubt | dusted | |
21034200 | Fangball spielen mit | to play catch with | |
21034201 | drüben | abroad | |
21034202 | sonstwo | elsewhere | |
21034203 | die Angst vor dem Sturz | fear of collapse | |
21034204 | weichen | to ease | |
21034205 | die ärmliche Auswanderer | impoverished emigrant | |
21034206 | der Herr | the gentleman | |
21034207 | das Schuldgefühl | the feeling of guilt | |
21034208 | die böse Tat | the evil deed | |
21034209 | die schäbige Tat | the shabby deed | |
21034210 | mittler | middle | |
21034211 | die Schublade | the drawer | |
21034212 | die Rosette | the rosette/keyhole ornament | |
21034213 | lose | loose | |
21034214 | klappern | to rattle | |
21034215 | der Schlüssel | key | |
21034216 | umdrehen | to turn | |
21034217 | festschrauben | to screw down tight | |
21034218 | stecken | to be (in the lock) | |
21034219 | vor dir | in your sight | |
21034220 | das Ereignis | the event | |
21034221 | ausfüllen | to fill | |
21034222 | sonderbar | strange | |
21034223 | plötzlich | suddenly | |
21034224 | drehen | to turn | |
21034225 | verlangte | required | |
21034226 | gestehen | to admit/confess | |
21034227 | peccavi | I have sinned (Latin) | |
21034228 | vielleicht sollte das gar nich sein | perhaps that was not meant to be | |
21034229 | der Inhalt | the contents | |
21034230 | musterhaft geordnet | arranged in exemplary fashion | |
21034231 | schwarzgebunden | black-bound | |
21034232 | das Kontobuch | the ledger | |
21034233 | nach der Mitte zu | over towards the middle | |
21034234 | der Bankauszug | withdrawal statements | |
21034235 | das Scheckbuch | the checkbook | |
21034236 | der Haufen | the pile | |
21034237 | säuberlich | neatly | |
21034238 | gebündelt | bundled | |
21034239 | hiheingreifen | to reach in | |
21034240 | überhaupt | at all | |
21034241 | zweifelhaft | doubtful | |
21034242 | sich anbieten | to present (itself) | |
21034243 | die Lade | drawer | |
21034244 | fortsein | to be gone/missing | |
21034245 | das Zauberkunststück | magic trick | |
21034246 | Zauberkunststück der Seele | mental trick | |
21034247 | hervor ziehen | to pull out | |
21034248 | das Bündel | the bundle/roll | |
21034249 | Banknoten | bills (of money) | |
21034250 | hastig | hastily | |
21034251 | blättern | to leaf/riffle | |
21034252 | der Tausender | a thousand(bill of money) | |
21034253 | das Anrfangskapital | the start-up capital | |
21034254 | vermehrt um die Zinsen | with interest | |
21034255 | sühnen | to make up for/do penance for | |
21034256 | der Schrift | the footstep | |
21034257 | sogleich danach | immediately thereafter | |
21034258 | auf den ersten Blick | immediately | |
21034259 | das Ausland | abroad | |
21034260 | es zu etwas bringen | to make something of oneself/be successful | |
21034261 | man sieht es dir an | one can tell by looking at you | |
21034262 | die Zeile | the line | |
21034263 | drüber weg sein | to have that all behind one | |
21034264 | besitzen | to have/possess | |
21034265 | sind wir nicht geschaffen | we are made for (that) | |
21034266 | missverstehen | to misunderstand | |
21034267 | das Beisammensein | a time together | |
21034268 | ausreichen | to suffice/be enough | |
21034269 | völlig unnötig | absolutely unnecessary | |
21034270 | abhängen von | to depend on | |
21034271 | schallend | loudly | |
21034272 | die Schulter | the shoulder | |
21034273 | der Anlauf | the approach | |
21034274 | wagen | to dare | |
21034275 | springen | to jump | |
21034276 | hinüber | over | |
21034277 | verheiratet | married | |
21034278 | die Abreise | the departure | |
21034279 | heiraten | to marry | |
21034280 | hoffnungsvoll | promising/hopeful | |
21034281 | das Alter | the age | |
21034282 | schweigen | to fall silent | |
21034283 | der Augenblick | the moment | |
21034284 | in bezug auf | in regard to/when it comes to | |
21034285 | der Unterton | the undertone | |
21034286 | sich irren | to be mistaken | |
21034287 | nichts Bestimmen | nothing definite | |
21034288 | die Probe | test/trial | |
21034289 | bestehen | to pass | |
21034290 | zurückweichen | to step back | |
21034291 | das Ergebnis | the result | |
21034292 | abwarten | to wait for | |
21034293 | betrachten | to observe | |
21034294 | zweifelnd | dubiously | |
21034295 | anderseits | ont he other hand | |
21034296 | murmeln | to murmur/mumble | |
21034297 | schliesslich | after all | |
21034298 | gefühlvoll | emotional | |
21034299 | verlegen | embarrassed/uneasy | |
21034300 | bestohlen warden | to be robbed | |
21034301 | der Betrag | amount | |
21034302 | die Krone | the crown (unit of currency) | |
21034303 | das Honorar | the fee | |
21034304 | die Erfindung | the invention | |
21034305 | verwahren | to keep | |
21034306 | auswandern | to emigrate/leave the country | |
21034307 | die Kehle | throat | |
21034308 | trocken | dry | |
21034309 | abschliessen | to lock up | |
21034310 | etwa | about | |
21034311 | die Hälfte | half | |
21034312 | der Rest | the rest | |
21034313 | der Dieb | the thief | |
21034314 | der Verdacht | the suspicion | |
21034315 | die Haushälterin | the housekeeper | |
21034316 | die Vermutung | the conjecture/guess | |
21034317 | der Diebstahl | the theft/robbery | |
21034318 | ausführen | to carry out/commit | |
21034319 | entlassen | to fire/dismiss | |
21034320 | der Grund | reason | |
21034321 | zwecklos | pointless | |
21034322 | sicherlich | certainly | |
21034323 | leugnen | to deny | |
21034324 | beweisen | to prove | |
21034325 | geschehen | to happen | |
21034326 | misstrauisch | mistrustful/suspicious | |
21034327 | in seine Nähe | near it/him | |
21034328 | auf die Probe stellen | to put to the test | |
21034329 | die Versuchung | the temptation | |
21034330 | in meinem Büro | in my study/office | |
21034331 | die Nummer | the number | |
21034332 | der Schein | the bill (of money) | |
21034333 | aufschreiben | to write down/note | |
21034334 | Wozu? | What for? | |
21034335 | auswendig | by heart | |
21034336 | die Achseln zucken | to shrug one's shoulders | |
21034337 | die Zahl | the figure/number | |
21034338 | sich irren | to be mistaken/make a mistake | |
21034339 | ankündigen | to announce | |
21034340 | fortschicken | to send away | |
21034341 | sich entfernen | to move away/become more distant | |
21034342 | sich umziehen | to change clothes | |
21034343 | der Argwohn gegen | suspicion | |
21034344 | etwas Schreckliches | something terrible | |
21034345 | der Aufwand | the expense(s) | |
21034346 | die Schulden | the debts | |
21034347 | ersparen | to spare | |
21034348 | aufzählen | to list | |
21034349 | misstrauen | to mistrust | |
21034350 | klappen | to close | |
21034351 | nicken | to nod | |
21034352 | eine kaum noch erträgliche spannung | an almost unbearable tension | |
21034353 | belastet | loaded with/burdened with | |
21034354 | die Stille | the silence | |
21034355 | flüstern | to whisper | |
21034356 | furchtbar | terrible | |
21034357 | Meine machen | to seem to be about to | |
21034358 | sich erheben | to get up | |
21034359 | ohnehin | anyway | |
21034360 | bereits | already | |
21034361 | entschieden | decided | |
21034362 | der Fallensteller | the setter of traps | |
21034363 | zusammensinken | to sink down | |
21034364 | Es stimmt nicht. | It is not right./It doesn't add up. | |
21034365 | beinahe | almost | |
21034366 | die Erinnerung | the memory | |
21034367 | verhindern, dass er zitterte | to stop trembling | |
21034368 | ein Rechenkunststück der Seele | a tricky psychological bookkeeping | |
21034369 | stützen | to prop | |
21034370 | kommen dazu | to come to | |
21034371 | zu Abend essen | to have supper | |
21034372 | die Brücke | the bridge | |
21034373 | an den Menschen | in human beings | |
21034374 | zerbrechen | to break down/fail | |
21034375 | der Sumpf | the swamp | |
21034376 | die Schuld | the guilt | |
21034377 | überall | everywhere | |
21034378 | das Gastzimmer | the guest room | |
21034379 | auf morgen | until tomorrow | |
21034380 | anstarren | to stare at | |
21034381 | schlimmer | worse | |
21034382 | die Unschuldige | the innocent woman | |
21034383 | in Verdacht stürzen | to plunge into suspicion | |
21034384 | jagen | to chase/hound | |
21034385 | angelegt | invested | |
21034386 | ironisch | ironic | |
21034387 | retten vor | to save from | |
21034388 | Gott gefällig | pleasing to God | |
21034389 | die Kapitalanlage | the capital investment | |
21034390 | in Fülle | in abundance | |
21034391 | scheitern an | to fail because of | |
21034392 | im gleichen Atemzug | in the same breath | |
21034393 | die Bezichtigung | the incrimination | |
21034394 | zugeben | to admit | |
21034395 | ausführen | to carry out/commit | |
21034396 | verschweigen | to keep (something) quiet | |
21034397 | die Heimkehr | to return (home) | |
21034398 | eingestehen | to admit/confess | |
21034399 | sich scheuen | to be reluctant | |
21034400 | das Gewissen | the conscience | |
21034401 | der Käger | the plaintiff | |
21034402 | der Richter | the judge | |
21034403 | herbeirufen | to call for | |
21034404 | hell | light | |
21034405 | einfallen | to occur (to someone) | |
21034406 | die Hafenstadt | the port city | |
21034407 | einen Besuch ausführen | to make a call | |
21034408 | sofortig | immediate | |
21034409 | die Abreise | the departure | |
21034410 | überstürzt | precipitous/hasty | |
21034411 | abschiedslos | without saying good-bye | |
21034412 | der Aufbruch | departure | |
21034413 | entschuldigen | to excuse | |
21034414 | das Werk | the factory | |
21034415 | hart | hard/demanding | |
21034416 | sich eignen für | to be suited to | |
21034417 | der Erbe | the heir | |
21034418 | im Verdacht stehen | under suspicion | |
21034419 | ähnlich | like/similar to | |
21034420 | die Erfahrung | the experience | |
21034421 | wie ihnen zumute ist | how they feel | |
21034422 | der Augenblick | the moment | |
21034423 | streichen | to scratch out | |
21034424 | Verschiedenes | various things | |
21034425 | herauslesen aus | to read into | |
21034426 | heilen | to heal/cure | |
21034427 | vertrauen + dat. | to trust | |
21034428 | blind ausgewählt | blindly chosen | |
21034429 | jeder guten Tat fähig | capable of any good deed | |
21034430 | das Geständnis | the confession | |
21034431 | die Rechtfertigung | the justification | |
21034432 | auf Strümpfen schleichen | to go on stocking feet | |
21034433 | sich umwenden | to turn around | |
21034434 | scheinen | to seem | |
21034435 | brennen | to burn | |
21034436 | durchaus | thoroughly/completely | |
21034437 | der Widerschein | reflection | |
21034438 | aufgehend | rising | |
21034439 | täuschen | to deceive |
WZL Der Diebstahl pg157
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