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Should I take AP Biology?

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guffawerr's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
Should I take AP Biology?

Or regular this year? I took Applied Biology in my freshman year and unfortunately I found out it did not count for college. However I did take Chemistry. I had A's in both of these classes. What should I do?

MBrems24's picture
Joined: Sep 2007

Not really sure.. I didn't take it. But.. my honors bio class I took as a sophomore was a total bitch, and then I've heard that AP Bio is much more in depth, has many more topics, and in general just about thirty times harder. So, my advice is to not take it, but it depends on your interest in science (especially bio.. don't take it if you like chem better) and your schedule. If you have maybe one other AP, it wouldn't be as bad as if you had a complete schedule with four others. Your call though.

BioHazard's picture
Joined: Jun 2008

AP Bio is going to be a hard course, but i recommend that you take it. If you have good studying skills and keep up the A's, the class should be normal to you. You will always have the hard times, but you will find it worth it if you put work into the class.

perfectionist.chick's picture
Joined: Aug 2008

Im taking AP Bio and its really hard... all it is is memorization and understanding key concepts as long as your ready for the work amount and you study a lot you should do OK.... I took gifted bio in my freshman year and got a 97 and so far in AP bio i have b's and some a's on my assignments


BioHazard's picture
Joined: Jun 2008

AP classes aren't all about getting just an A. AP B's look better then regular A's. Just remember that.

pratik1092's picture
Joined: Jul 2009

if you are the type of person who is good with reading long chapters and memorizing, go for it. Also, you should be interested in the subject. It wont be as easy as frshman Bio and the AP version will go into much depth.

KickTheCan's picture
Joined: Oct 2009

AP BIO is all about memorization. go for it if u want to, just enter the class knowing that you will get a C or better. if you have doubts and think you are going to receive a d or below, then just ignore this class.

my teacher calls freshman bio baby bio...its not even close to ap bio.

Ostonzi's picture
Joined: Jun 2009

AP Biology is a very easy subject. The class is only moderate. Make sure you understand the concepts.

jmoy1133's picture
Joined: Sep 2011

Biology isnt too difficult as long as u memorize your stuff... Its time consuming thats for sure but as long as you invest time into the class, it will b easy for you.

hallow mirror's picture
Joined: Sep 2011

If you liked biology then i would recommend is if you like something more math related take ap physics or chemistry. Ap classes are harder but they're useful in the long run. there's also no guarantee you will get credits for college since it depends on your Ap test score and the college.

AdminChris's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

Yah, I'd just suggest checking with the colleges you're applying to to see what scores they require and how many credits they'll give.

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