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Should I take AP Biology?

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danyel's picture
Joined: Oct 2011

i am currently enrolled in ap bio my advice to you would be if you are ony loooking for college credit dont take it. if you like biology, health sciences, anatomy, take it! its fun its indeppth and if you eanna major in anything health related in college it willl definitly help you out and possibly even get you ahead of the game! it is very demanding though. your book will be your significant other. learn to love it even htough it weighs 8.5 pounds ( i weighed mine ) and dont be afraid to ask questions. goodluck!

studyer's picture
Joined: Oct 2011

I am currently a junior and I took AP Biology as a sophomore and it was my favorite class. Mainly because of my teacher, classmates, and the subject in general.

If you like biology, take it. Also research the teachers who teach AP Biology at your school. Your teacher can really affect your enjoyment, which in turn can really affect your grades.

AdminChris's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

Totally agree. Your teacher makes a huge difference in how much you learn in the class and how much you enjoy it.

Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)

Yanksrule211's picture
Joined: Dec 2011

Only take AP Biology if you think you can handle it and if you like biology. I am currently taking the course and it is very challenging, demanding, and can get very boring if you do not care for biology.

Smarticle24's picture
Joined: Dec 2011

I didn't take it in my freshman year. I was taking Honors English, AP Human Geography, and Alg 2 Trig(I took geometry in 8th grade). If you are a hard working student and if you are already taking Honors and AP classes, I think its best to stay away from AP Bio. I go to school everyday and hear at least 5 people complaining about how hard it is and blah blah blah. The real focus is on sophomore and junior year. Good luck :)

Apoo0225's picture
Joined: Jan 2012

AP Biolgy is a hard course, but if you have the committment you can do well

arigatou's picture
Joined: Mar 2012

I participated in my freshman talent organisms, and 97 and so far in AP Biology, I have b, some of my assignments.

apguru's picture
Joined: Feb 2011

Well did you like applied bio? If so then taking AP bio would be a step in the right direction. You will have to do A LOT of memorization though. And some labs are not that easy to comprehend. But as a current student of the course I am personally enjoying it. I think the toughest topics for me were muscles, cell respiratation and photosynthesis. The rest of the topics at least for me were alright given that I read the book. Important point, read the book it's only going to help. I know a lot of people who don't read and then end up doing pretty bad on the tests.
All in all do what you think would be right for you Would you be alright with a rigourous bio course?
If so take the course by all means.

social orphan's picture
Joined: Mar 2012

If you don't have any trouble with AP classes, then I say take the class. Just make sure you study hard and keep the homework caught up. Better to take the class in High School and not have to pay for it in college than to wait and add money onto your student loan bill.

AdminChris's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

Social orphan makes an excellent point about AP credits reducing the cost of college tuition. I did it. I was able to come in with 20 credits which allowed me graduate faster and save a ton of money on tuition

Course-Notes.Org Administrator If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, rants, raves, random thoughts, etc etc- feel free to direct them at me :)


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