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AP Notes, Outlines, Study Guides, Vocabulary, Practice Exams and more!

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Course-Notes.Org provides free notes, outlines, vocabulary terms, study guides, practice exams, and much more to help high school students with their homework. We have compiled materials for almost every high school class!

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Course-Notes.org brings you access to over 6 million free sets of flashcards covering everything from US History to Biology to the SAT!

What other students are saying

If you are a student then the summertime is a very important time of year for you. After all, you look forward to it months in advance! The thing is, however, that in addition to having some fun you can also get ahead by making some good choices as it pertains to your employment.

Latest Articles

Despite the fact that my most recent post on course-notes.org discussed reasons  "why the infamous all-nighter is a terrible idea," I would like to share some advice for those of you that will, without a doubt, pull numerous all-nighters in the coming years.  

So you're procrastinator... The good news, so are millions of high school and college students across the country. By all accounts, you're not unique in your inability to get ahead on assignments and more often than not, you'll be "forced" to stay up late either cramming for an exam or attempting to complete a six page paper you were assigned more than a month ago.

While it's been years since I graduated high school back in 2007, my first-hand experience with the college application process remains vivid in my mind. Between the AP courses/tests, taking the SAT/ACT and the pressures to maintain a competitive GPA, the life of an ambitious high schooler is no doubt, stressful.

My name is Daniel Black and I graduated from Claremont McKenna College in May of 2011 as a dual-major in Economics and Government. I was fortunate enough to spend time working as a "Senior Interviewer" for the Admissions Office which provided me with the opportunity to interview a large number of prospective students. I know what colleges look for (and what turns them off), but more importantly, what steps you can take to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

When it comes to back to school shopping for freshman students there's no need to make a list with the obvious items like notebooks, pencils, erasers and pens. You probably have a whole drawer stuffed full of school supplies like those that you can re-use.

Going to college can be expensive, especially after the four or five years it takes you to finish your undergraduate degree. The average American student graduates from college owing $20,000 in debt. However, there are ways to make your college experience less of a financial burden, and applying for scholarships is a fantastic way to do so.

Sep 23, 2012

Why not write for Course Notes instead? We are looking for interns to write about all kinds of topics. Do you have some golden nuggets of wisdom to share about the college application process?How about tips to ace the AP US History exam? Maybe you are the master of time management? These are the things we want to publish on Course Notes. When colleges look at your application, what's going to stand out more; writing for your school's newspaper or writing for a major education website that receives almost a million visitors every month?

Sep 20, 2012

Let's face it, school and being a student is not easy and never has been whether you are in high school or completing your Masters in university. School is our first introduction to the work world in some shape and form and it helps us learn how to work for our results and how to achieve our goals of succeeding. If you are struggling at school and are feeling the stress and weight on your shoulders because of difficult classes and exams, there are numerous ways to reduce your stress and relax. Here are some tips on how to reduce stress during the school year and regain your sanity.

Sep 05, 2012

Applying for the college of your choice can be somewhat tricky. Each college has their own set of rules, regulations, and guidelines concerning the application process. It is vitally important to know what you're getting into before you begin applying. Submitting an application that is incomplete, or incorrect, is a waste of everyone's time. Colleges want to see that you can do the research and complete the task properly. In effect, they are testing you before you even get accepted.

If you’re a high school student who needs help with your homework, you are certainly not alone. Today, many students just like you are learning the best ways to get help with their studies, and the “homework help” methods that they’ve adopted offer practical ways to earn better marks and to make a better impression on high school teachers. By trying out the sensible ideas that the savviest students are now using to get ahead and stay ahead, you’ll also enjoy relief from the stress and pressure that homework problems tend to bring.


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While we strive to provide the most comprehensive notes for as many high school textbooks as possible, there are certainly going to be some that we miss. Drop us a note and let us know which textbooks you need. Be sure to include which edition of the textbook you are using! If we see enough demand, we'll do whatever we can to get those notes up on the site for you!
