my friend and i were talking about how to make the world a better place lol. we were going to go grab somethign to eat before goin to a party, and for some reason we were listening to john lennon.
this is our theory:
wars are created because of rival nations, religion, and greed. since the world cannot unite together as humans, (i really hope aliens exist and one day they attack earth with great vengeance so that the world can unite under one name: mankind) i was thinking we should have one nation. lol..that's a bit on the extreme side, but seroiusly that's what we were thinking. it'd be hard since all continents are spread out through out this massssssive earth. but what won't be bad would be same religion. if we were all one religion, we would all follow under its law and noone woudl ever call up a crusade or a jihad. nooone woudl have to criticize each other for their beliefs, cuz we'd believe in teh same thing. it doesn't have to be christianity...but i think if we alllll had one main idea in mind, the world would be a better place to live. i think the only way to solve world hunger and diseases is putting all of the world's military cost into research and development and assistance.
Man, that sounds like a pretty good place, but it won't happen anytime soon unless, like you said, aliens start attacking us. Unless all people are willing to put their differences aside, this place that you speak of will be merely a figment of your imagination or reside only in a parallel universe. Human beings create their own ideas, their own theories, their own beliefs. For everyone to have the same basic belief system, right now it would have to be a 1984 or Star Trek (wierd, second time I've used it tonight...) set up, because we are free thinking, that's how we're taught as children. Not only that, people in other parts of the world were taught to think a different way (process, not belief).
However, I think that we would get along fine if all the men would step aside and let the women do the compromising. No offense, but you guys tend to take action instead of fully talking things out. Not all of you, but face it, that's what testosterone does. Women are more...level-headed and patient about issues. If we could just get a chance to talk things through, maybe make a few sacrifices, then perhaps we could fight less wars.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
It's a great idea and it would be great to live in a place like this; but, it will never happen, unless as you stated aliens attack us. But then basically you'll still have wars except this time they'll be against aliens. Human beings are bound to divide and conflict will always arise.
yea, it'll never happen..
and yeayea pianogirl, that's why i want a female president anytime soon (doesn't matter if they're republican or democrat).
and i really really really really wish aliens would start attacking. it'd be interesting and would unite earthlings.
i have a theory of balance... their has to be a timeframe or logistical balance of good and bad an equal amount of war and peace, an equal amount of order and chaos, an equal amount of government and anarchy. think about it. people want a democrat president when they have a republican and vice versa. they also yearn for peace, order, and government when they have war, chaos, and anarchy. the problem today is the balance is maintained logistically rather than thru time. half of the world is heaven while the other half is hell. I think if we want a world of complete utopia we first need to have a world of complete suffering. We can continue in our current affairs and have a world divided or we can throw the whole world into suffering for a period and have an equal period of utopia. I can also see where your war fervor idea would fit in but after we won wed just have more problems.Imply what you will from what I think
I think aliens would blow up everything in one shot.
Basically time for humans to gather. Meaning we're all dead.
=D haha
I am MiCHAEL. roar. oh heck yes.. smilies! ;) :rolleyes: :D
pianogirl2422 wrote:However, I think that we would get along fine if all the men would step aside and let the women do the compromising. No offense, but you guys tend to take action instead of fully talking things out. Not all of you, but face it, that's what testosterone does. Women are more...level-headed and patient about issues. If we could just get a chance to talk things through, maybe make a few sacrifices, then perhaps we could fight less wars.
Seriously though, I wouldn't say women on the whole were more "level-headed and patient about issues", but I wouldn't say men are either. I know plenty of idiots from both camps. We should have more women leaders, but not all women leaders.
Feminazi...never heard that one before.
And yeah, maybe not all women, but there should definitely be less men in power. In the very least they should have more women advisors.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
Oh, I should probably state my reasons huh.
I guess I didn't put it the way I thought it, a running theme in my debate posts of late apparently (and please keep in mind that I posted at 4 in the morning my time). It's not that women are more level-headed, it's more the way that they handle conflict. With men you generally get all this testosterone and macho stuff and "let's go kick some butt". I'm not saying that women don't feel like that, but we generally don't go throwing punches first. We have more subtle methods that don't usually involve guns or fists or physical violence. Don't get me wrong, there are girls who'd rather beat someone up then talk and there are guys who don't feel that as their first instinct, but in general, that's how I think it is.
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It
pianogirl2422 wrote: With men you generally get all this testosterone and macho stuff and "let's go kick some butt".
No, you're confusing men with idiots. Easy mistake.
Quote:I'm not saying that women don't feel like that, but we generally don't go throwing punches first. We have more subtle methods that don't usually involve guns or fists or physical violence. Don't get me wrong, there are girls who'd rather beat someone up then talk and there are guys who don't feel that as their first instinct, but in general, that's how I think it is.
I could just as easily say that women in general are much too flippant and can't make a strong, firm decision. I don't believe that, but it's the same kind of generalization. Power corrupts, and most of the people in power are men, so it looks like men = bad at political stuff.
I think that the reason why few women are in high up positions that do actual negotiation with foreign countries (not just in departments the president wants to dump on women and minorities because it makes him look good) is because there are still lots of countries that treat women as inferiors, and wouldn't take us seriously. I'm not condoning it, in fact I think that's disgusting, I just think that might be the reason.
I see your point. I don't know, maybe it's just the men I know...
[=RoyalBlue][=Comic Sans MS]
"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," say Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It