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Biology(Chapter 4) a tour of the cell Flashcards

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9083891119Robert HookeIn 1665 he A examined a piece of cork under a crude microscope and identified "little rooms" as cells0
9083918994Antoni van LeeuwenhoekUsed more refined lenses to describe living cells from blood, sperm and pond water1
9099117018Light MicroscopeThe first microscopes. Magnified up to 1,000 times2
9099142479ResolutionBoth human eye and the microscope lenses have limits of ___ -allows us to see objects as separate from one another -just details large enough3
9099189570Using LM scientists study,-microorganisms -animal and plant cells -some structures within cells4
9099191224Cell theory-all tliving things are composed of cells -all cells come from other cells5
9099198397Electron Mocroscope1950's-to view ultrastructure of cells. It uses a beam of electrons aimed at a sample -as small as 2 nanometers -magnify up to 100,000 times6
9099213539scanning Electron MicroscopesShow detailed architecture of cell surfaces7
9099217078Transmission Electron MicroscopeShow details of internal cell structure8
9099589981Plasma MembraneForms a flexible boundary between the living cell and its surroundings9
9099638958Phospholipid bilayerPhospholipids form a two layer sheet called ___ in which -hydrophilic heads face outward , exposed to water -hydrophobic tails point onward, shielded from water10
9099649216Membrane ProteinsAre embedded in the lipid bolster of a cell': plasma membrane11
9099780467Cell size must....Be large enough to house DNA , proteins and structures needed to survive and reproduce but remain small enough to allow for a surface to volume ratio that will allow adequate exchange with the environment -smaller -more surface area12
9099796075ProkaryotesBacteria Archaea13
9099807355EukaryotesAnimals Plants Fungi Protests14
9099816203Prokaryotes (Diagram)-Bacteria and Archaea only -always microscopic -nucleoid -capsule (sticky outer coat) -cell walls -fimbriae -smaller and simpler15
9099820589Both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes have (Diagram)-Cytoplasm (interior filled with thick jellylike fluid) -Plasma membrane -DNA and chromosomes -Ribosomes -Flagella (some cells)16
9099824042Eukaryotes(diagram)-Animals , plants, fungi and Protists -larger in size, though some are microscopic -membrane enclosed nucleus -membrane enclosed organelles that perform functions -cilia -cytosol17
9099868788Some fungi and all plants also have cell walls but these walls are structurally different from prokaryotic ones.18
9099884899ChromosomesCarry genes made of DNA19
9099881585RibosomesTiny structures made of rRNA that make proteins according to instructions from the genes20
9099901481Basic Prokaryotic StructureDNA is coiled into a region called nucleoid (nucleus-like) -no membrane surrounding DNA21
9099983699Outside plasma membrane of prokaryote -fairly rigid, chemical complex cell wall whichProtects cell Helps maintain shape22
9099988037Some prokaryotes have surface projectionsShort projections-Fimbriae -attach prokaryotes Longer Prokaryotes-Flagella -go around liquid23
9100054626Eukaryotic Cells 4 basic functions*24
9100067566Genetic Control of the Cell *Nucleus and Ribosomes25
9100068822Manufacture, distribution and breakdown of molecules *Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi Apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles and perixosomes26
9100072006Energy Processing*Mitochondria in all cells and chloroplasts in plant and algae cells are involved in ____27
9100074179Structural Support , movement and communication between cells*Cytoskeleton, plasma membrane , cell wall, cell junctions, cilia and flagella28
9100078693Internal membranes of eukaryotic cells partition it into compartments29
9100078694Cellular metabolismThe many chemical activities of cells, occurs within organelles30
9100090069Lysosomes and centrosomesNot found in plant cells31
9100097638Flagella more common in animal sperm cells32
9100099869Also plant cells have-rigid wall cellulose -plasmodesmata, cytoplasmic channels through cell walls that connect adjacent cells -chloroplasts where photosynthesis occurs -central vacuole , a compartment that stores water and a variety of chemicals33
9100108510Nucleus-genetic instructionsContains most of Crlls DNA -controls cell activities by making messenger RNA that directs photosynthesis -associated with proteins organized into chromosomes34
9100111198ChromatinWhen a cell is not dividing, this complex of proteins and DNA called ____ appears as a diffuse mass within the nucleus35
9100115187Nuclear EnvelopesThe double membrane _____ has pores that -regulate entry and exit of large molecules -connect with the cell's network of membranes called ER36
9100117442Nucleolus-prominent structure in nucleus -site of ribosomal RNA synthesis37
9100149117RibosomesAre the sites of protein synthesis in the cell38
9100152814Free ribosomes....Suspended in cytoplasm39
9100153513Bound ribosomes ...Attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope40
9100158868Endomembrane systemMany of the membranes within a eukaryotic cell are part of the41
9100161361VesiclesSacs made of membrane-transfer membrane segments between them -moving products in and out of42
9100176155Many of endomembrand organelles interact in the-synthesusof molecules -distribution of molecules -storage of molecules -export of molecules43
9100179822Endomembrane includes...1. Nuclear envelope 2 ER -largest component of E says -extensive network of flattened sacs and tubules 3. Golgi Apparatus 4. Lysosomes 5. Vacuoles 6. Plasma membrane44
9100186384Two kinds of ERSmooth ER -doesn't have attached ribosomes Rough ER Han bound ribosomes that stud the outer surface of the membrane45
9100189398SMOOTH ER involved in metabolic processes like :1. Production of enzymes important in synthesis of lipids, oils , phospholipids and steroids 2. Production of enzymes help process alcohol drugs and harmful substances 3. Storage of calcium Ions46
9100202942Rough ER MAKES-additional membrane for itself -secretory proteins (proteins destined to be secreted out of cell like hormones)47
9100209164golgi ApparatusServes as a molecular warehouse and processing station for products manufactured by the ER Products such as proteins, enzymes, and carbs48
9100237126Products of ER modified as golgi sacs move from one end of the golgi stack to the other49
9100237127Vesicles-similar to soap bubbles -both made of lipids but vesicles in our cells are used for transporting molecules like proteins and carbs50
9100243170LysosomesMembrane anclosed sac full of digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes. -made in the rough ER -processed by the Golgi apparatus51
9100272757Lysosomes(function)1. Fuse with food vacuoles and digest food 2. Destroy bacteria and viruses 3. Fuse with vesicles containing damaged organelles or other materials to be recycled within a cell52
9100289349VacuolesLarge vesicles that have a variety of functions - some Protists have contractile vacuoles which help to eliminate water from the protist -regulate water In plants, vacuoles can -have digestive functions -contain pigments -contain poisons that protect plant53
9100311876PeroxisomesAre metabolic compartments that do not originate from the endomembrane system -break down of hydrogen peroxide , other harmful substances , and fatty acids (to be used as cellular fuel)54
9100325910MitochondriaAre organelles that carry out a process called cellular respiration in nearly all eukaryotic cells -powerhouse ofcell55
9100329614Cellular respirationConverts the chemical energy in food (usually glucose) into chemical energy called ATP (adenosine triphosphate)56
9100334671Two internal compartments of mitochondria1. Intermembrane space is the narrow region between the inner and outer membranes 2. Mitochondrial matrix contains: -mitochondrial DNA -ribosomes -many enzymes that catalyze some of the reactions of cellular respiration57
9100351820CristaeFolds of the inner mitochondrial membrane -increase the membrane surface area -enhance mitochondrion's ability to produce ATP58
9100364313PhotosynthesisIs the conversion of light energy from the sun to the chemical energy of sugar molecules59
9100366908ChloroplastsAre the photosynthesizung orfanelles of plants and algae (which are the Protista) - are partitioned into compartments Between the outer and inner membrane is a thin intermembrane space60
9100386684StromaInside inner membrane is a thick fluid called ____which contains the chloroplast DNA , ribosomes , many enzymes....61
9100397172ThylakoidsNetwork of interconnected sacs called ____ where green chlorophyll molecules trap solar energy62
9100399248GranumIn some regions,thylakoids are stacked like poker chips. Each stack is called ____63
9100416067Mitochondria and chloroplasts. It's contain-their own DNA -their own ribosomes Structure of this DNA and these ribosomes is very similar to that found in prokaryotic cells64
9100421525Endosymbiont theory-mitochondria and chloroplasts were formerly small prokaryotes -then began living with large -leading to modern eukaryotes65
9100459238CytoskeletonCells contain a network of protein fibers called ____ which organize the structures and activities of the cell -mitosis-separate cells66
9100475984Microtubules(Made of tubular- a protein) -shape and support the cell -involved with motility -act as track along with organelles equipped with motor proteins move67
9100502517Microtubile proteins assemble long tube like structures and then disassemble these structures when they are no longer needed68
9100502551Microtubules in animalsIn animal cells microtubules grow out from a region near the nucleus called the center some which contains a pair of centrioles each compose s of a ring of microtubules69
9100506212Intermediate Filaments-found in most animals -reinforce cell shapes and anchor some organelles -often more permanent fixtures in cell70
9100513741Microfilaments (aka actin filaments)-support cell': shape -involved in motility71
9100524094Colin and flagella move when microtubules bend72
9100524723CiliaShort numerous appendages that propel Protista such as paramecium -work like oars of a boat73
9100536760FlagellaOther Protista may move using ____ longer than cilia And usually limited to one or a few per cell -some cells of multicellular organisms also have cilia or _____74
9100543161FlagellumLonger than cilia propels a cell by an undulating whiplike motion -differences of cilia and flagella exist but have a common structure and mechanism of movement75
9100550435Animal cells synthesize and secrete an elaborate Extra cellular Matrix which1. Helps hold cells together in tissues 2. Protects and supports the plasma membrane76
9100564289IntegrinsECM may attach to the cell through other glycoproteins that then bind to membrane proteins called ____ -span the membrane -attach on the other side to proteins connected to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton77
9100571262Three types of cell junctions in animal tissues:Adjacent cells adhere, interact and communicate through specialized junctions between them Right junction Anchoring junctions (desmosemes) Gap junctions78
9100575841Tight junctionsPrevent leakage of fluid across a layer of epithelial cells -lining of intestines79
9100578701Anchoring junctions(Desmosomes) fasten cells together into sheets -nspecialized protein -keratin -anchor fibers80
9100583242Gap junctionsAre channels that allow small molecules to flow through protein line pores between cells -pass through water and small molecules Help coordinate activities of adjacent cells81
9100592239Plant cells but not animal cells have a rigid cell wall that-protects and provides the skeletal support to keep the plant upright -is primarily composed of cellulose82
9100595268Plant cells have cell junctions called plasmodesmata that allow plants to share-water -nourishment -chemical messages83
9100598602Eukaryotic cell structures -four functions1. Genetic control 2. Manufacturing , distribution and breakdown of materials 3. Energy processing 4. Structural support, 'movement and intercellular communication84

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