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September 19, 2010
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The narrator of the Odyssey invokes the Muse, asking for inspiration as he prepares to tell the story of Odysseus. The story begins ten years after the end of the Trojan War, the subject of the Iliad. All of the Greek heroes except Odysseus have returned home. Odysseus languishes on the remote island Ogygia with the goddess Calypso, who has fallen in love with him and refuses to let him leave. Meanwhile, a mob of suitors is devouring his estate in Ithaca and courting his wife, Penelope, in hopes of taking over his kingdom.

September 19, 2010
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The Conrad Demarest Model of Empire: Basic Principles

I.? Necessary preconditions for the rise of empires:

state-level government

Rome:? republic

Han:? kept most of Qin centralized government in place

high agricultural potential in the area

Rome:? wheat, grapes, cattle

Han:? wheat, millet, pigs

an environmental mosaic

Rome:? Alps, Mediterranean Sea, forests, Tiber and other rivers, hills

Han: Tianshan mountains, Yellow and Yangtze river, loess soil, Pacific Ocean

September 19, 2010
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Sierra Payne
Speech 4th period
Peer Pressure
?A social pressure by members of one?s peer group to take a certain action, adopts certain values, or otherwise conforms in order to be accepted.? That is the definition of peer pressure in the dictionary.

September 19, 2010
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September 19, 2010
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September 19, 2010
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September 19, 2010
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September 19, 2010
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This version handles objects in a D=2 universe in rectangular coordinates. Alas many people are unfamiliar with the laws of physics in flatland (D=2). Therefore it might be better to think of this as a D=3 universe in which all D=3 objects are infinitely tall and translationally invariant along the Z axis. This is not the same as considering a thin “D=2” object embedded in the D=3 universe. Rather, each cell represents an area dx∧dy in the XY plane. The spreadsheet to handle this case can be found in reference 1.

September 19, 2010
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As Rome expanded the social and economic bases of the Roman Republic system in Italy were undermined. This caused the failure of the Roman Republican System of Gov. Men from independent farming families were forced to devote their time to military service. Large landowners bought up their land to create great estates called latifundia. As rome began to decline its republic was falling.

September 19, 2010
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the earth and its peoples ch 1

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September 19, 2010
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Diaspora means ?dispersion? or ?scattering.? Basically, deportees were better off by the waters of Babylon, so the descendents of those deportees refused to rejoin the Persian Empire. So, the Jews dispersed to maintain their religion outside of the no-more independent Israel. They left behind many belongings and artifacts, and they had to change their entire way of life. However, this changed allowed the peoples to develop traditions such as synagogue, the Deuternomic code, and a stronger monotheistic belief.

September 19, 2010
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AP Human Geography Exam?Vocabulary Definitions?Unit 1: Nature and Perspectives ?(Ch. 1 & 2 in Barron's



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