Thermodynamics Lab Report
Chemistry [1]
thermodynamics [11]
Emily Dinnerman?s Sean Mannix Mr. Tenenbaum Period 5 3/8/11 Thermodynamics?Chill Out Lab Report Purpose: To measure and record changes in the heat (enthalpy) content of a liquid (water) as a part of the system (ice cube) melts in that system (the water plus the ice cube). Materials: Ice cubes (1) Styrofoam cups (2) Thermometer [Access to] hot water Procedure: Measure out 50 mL (roughly?just record exactly how much) of hot water from the sink and pour into the Styrofoam cup. Measure the temperature and record the value. Add an ice cube and monitor the temperature in the mixture until the ice cube is completely melted. Record the temperature. Measure the final volume of the water left and record the value. Data: Unit Measurement Change in volume Change in temperature