Biology essay
Biology [1]
Biology [2]
Photosynthesis [4]
Plant physiology [5]
organelles [6]
metabolism [7]
Meiosis [8]
Carbon Cycle [10]
Chemiosmosis [11]
mitochondrion [12]
Cell membrane [13]
Name_______________________ Biology Content Knowledge Exam Part 2: Free Response SCED 6416 Directions: In essay form, write your response to all parts of each question. Three questions, total time allowed is 75 minutes. Membranes are important structural features of cells.?(a) Describe how membrane structure is related to the transport of materials across a membrane.?(b) Describe the role of membranes in the synthesis of ATP in either respiration or photosynthesis. 2) An organism is heterozygous at two genetic loci on different chromosomes. | | | | | | --|B --|b | | | | --|A --|a