Rawle Phylogeny I
Biology [1]
This week?s Bio seminar DV2082, 12:00 Altaf Arain, McMaster University Global warming implications for forest ecosystems in North America.? 1 Next week in BIO153 Lecture 5: Phylogeny II Lecture 6: Phylogeny III Tutorial 3: Searching databases Readings: Ch 26 Lab 2: Prokaryotes and protists 2 Lecture 4: Phylogeny I Why trees? Why trees imply evolution Identify the parts of a tree Reading a tree correctly 3 We have an effective nomenclature 4 Trees are an effective way to think about descent from common ancestry 5 Lamarck Darwin ht tp s: // pa tri ce ay m e. file s. w or dp re ss .c om /2 01 4/ 11 /la m ar ck _t re e. jp g Think of a family tree 6 Trees can reflect taxonomy 7 We can identify parts of the tree 8