Formula Sheet for College Algebra Final Exam Properties of Exponents p p mp npp m n mpnppmn nmmn mn m n mnmn bb b a b a baba aa aa a aaa 1.6 .5 )(.4 )(.3 .2 .1 = =??? ? ??? ? = = = = ? ? + Quadratic Formula a acbbx 2 42 ???= Circle rradius khcenter rkyhx = = =?+? ),( )()( 222 Vertex of Parabola ),( )()( 2 , 2 2 khatVertex khxaxf a bfa b +?= ??? ???? ? ?? ??? ? ?? Standard Form of Equation of Parabola phxdirectrix kphfocus khvertex hxpky pkydirectrix pkhfocus khvertex kyphx ?= += = ?=? ?= += = ?=? : ),( ),( )(4)( : ),( ),( )(4)( 2 2 Properties of Logarithms pb pb b xbiffxy p b p b b y b b = = = = == log.5 01log.4 log.3 1log.2 log.1 nm n m nm mn mpm bb b bb b b p b loglog