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| COMMON?MATH?FORMULAS? AREA(A) Square Rectangle Parallelogram Triangle Circle Trapezoid Sphere ? ? ??; ? ? ??; ? ? ??; ? ? 1/2??; ? ? ???; ?? ? ?1/2???1? ? ??2???; ? ? 4??? where s = any side of the square where l = length and w = width where b = base and h = height where b = base and h = height where ?= 3.14 and r = radius where s= Surface area SURFACE AREA (SA)of a: cube SA = 6?? where s = any side cylinder (lateral) ?? ? 2???; where ?=3.14, r = radius, and h = height PERIMETER (P) of a Square ? ? 4?; where s = any side Rectangle ? ? 2? ? 2?; where l = length and w = width Triangle ? ? ?1 ? ?2 ? ?3; where s = a side

Related Ratess

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related?rates?part?2 February?21,?2013 related?rates?part?2 February?21,?2013
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Related Rates

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related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013 related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013 related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013 related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013 related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013 related?rates?part?1 February?20,?2013
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Algebra Practice Exam

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GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ SCORE:?____/14 Part?1:?Identifying?slopes?and?y?intercepts Identify?the?slope?and?y?intercept?of?the?given?linear?equations 1.?? [y 2 ?4 2. y ? [? 4 ?2 3.? 0[ 0y 1 ?2 4.? y 3 2 [ ?1 5.? y [ 6.?? ?y 8 9 ?7 Part?2:?Graphing?Linear?Equations Graph?the?following?linear?equations 7.? ? [y 2 ?3 Algebra?1?Honors GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ 8. [y 2 1 ?4 9.?? ?y [ Algebra?1?Honors GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ 10.?? ? [y 2 3 ?1 Part?3:?True?or?False Circle?the?letter?T?is?the?statement?is?True?and?circle?the?letter?F?is?the?statement?is

Graphing Linear Equations

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GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ SCORE:?____/14 Part?1:?Identifying?slopes?and?y?intercepts Identify?the?slope?and?y?intercept?of?the?given?linear?equations 1.?? [y 2 ?4 2. y ? [? 4 ?2 3.? 0[ 0y 1 ?2 4.? y 3 2 [ ?1 5.? y [ 6.?? ?y 8 9 ?7 Part?2:?Graphing?Linear?Equations Graph?the?following?linear?equations 7.? ? [y 2 ?3 Algebra?1?Honors GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ 8. [y 2 1 ?4 9.?? ?y [ Algebra?1?Honors GRAPHING?LINEAR?EQUATIONSName:____________________ Date:_________ 10.?? ? [y 2 3 ?1 Part?3:?True?or?False Circle?the?letter?T?is?the?statement?is?True?and?circle?the?letter?F?is?the?statement?is

Solving By Quadratics

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Computer Science defintions

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CS Definitions: The following is a list of Java protected words and their meanings along with a set of typical control structures, their syntax, and what they do. These are in no particular order. abstract class - an interface that may have one or 2 of the methods implemented, and may also declare variables. Abstract classes are extended not implemented. bit - a 1 or 0 to be used in binary-based numbers. Primitive data type. boolean - a True or False value that can be used to quickly check the value of things in methods. Conditional control structures like if and while use boolean conditions. Primitive data type.

AP classes

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Notes: Computer Science A 10/26/13 For loops Run a set of commands a set number of time While loops Run a set of commands as many times as a given condition is true Do?while (Same as while except it always runs once) For(inti=0;i<10;i++) { Same.out.println(i); } -10 -9 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 For(i=0;i<10;i--) -0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 For(int I;intList) { System.out.print(i); } Int i=0; While(I<10) { //code I++; } 10/17/13 Chapter 5 Notes (Java Essentials) EXAMPLE 1: If (condition) Statement 1; Condition has to be true = statement 1 executed EXAMPLE 2: If (Condition) Statement1; Else Statement 2; Condition =true, statement 1 executed; otherwise statement 2 is executed EXAMPLE 3: If (condition1) Statement1; Else if (condition2) Statement 2; Else Statement 3;


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Question 1?(Worth 1 points) [02.01]Which of the following is essential for a theory to become widely accepted within the scientific community? ?A theory must include a valid scientific model. ?A theory must be supported by many different experiments. ?A theory is an educated guess based on multiple observations. ?A theory must change over time regardless of the scientific data. Points earned on this question: 1 Question 2?(Worth 1 points) [02.01]Which of the following is the?best?definition of a scientific model? ?any visual representation of scientific experimental findings ?a 3-d object used to demonstrate key scientific theories and data ?a visual, verbal, or mathematical explanation of experimental data ?an explanation of any scientific idea, theory, or experimental results


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