The Cell Song
The Cell Song Chorus:?Cells of the animal, cells of the plant?Cells are basic units of all that I am?Cells help the plant to bloom and grow?Cells are in every organism I know! The nucleus is the brain?The center of the cell could be its name?Chromatin, in long strands?With dna and chromosome bands Chorus Two types of cells we all know?We?re eukaryotic and the other one?s pro?Animals and plants are with our eu?Prokaryotic?s scum and bacteria, too Chorus Cytoplasm is like egg whites?It?s very fluid and jelly ?like?Parts in the cytoplasm ? organelles?Are like baby organs inside of a cell Chorus The endoplasmic reticulum?Pronouncing it is lots of fun?It winds from the nucleus ? out in the cell?Moving materials extremely well Chorus