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French Revolution

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2) Beliefs: French Revolutionaries The Protests (Students against the Government): Disappointments with the educational system New dormitory reforms, for the idea of having the opposite sex in the dorms Wanted a change in the school program Class sizes and the teacher to student ratio Teachers provide no attention to students Overcrowding in the school: Student population rises throughout France in great numbers: 170,000 to 514,000. Closing of Nanterre and Sorbonne (Bernard) Other Reforms the students protested for: End to the Vietnam War Sexual and artistic freedom Labour and government reform (Bernard) Requests:

Trig formula sheet

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All Rights Reserved: http://regentsprep.org Algebra 2 ? Things to Remember! Exponents: 0 1x ? 1m m x x ? ? ?m n m nx x x ?? ?( )n m n mx x? m m n n x x x ?? n n n x x y y ? ? ?? ?? ? ( ) ?n n nxy x y? Complex Numbers: 1 i? ? ; 0a i a a? ? ? 2 1i ? ? 14 2 1i i? ? ? divide exponent by 4, use remainder, solve. ( ) conjugate ( )a bi a bi? ? 2 2( )( )a bi a bi a b? ? ? ? 2 2a bi a b? ? ? absolute value=magnitude Logarithms log yby x x b? ? ? ln logex x? natural log e = 2.71828? 10log logx x? common log Change of base formula: log log logb a a b

Algebra 1

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Curriculum Map Staff Name: Mr. Kurth Course: Algebra 1 Month/Unit: Sept 6 ? Sep 17 UNIT 1 ? Tools of Algebra C O N T E N T Using Variables Exponents and Order of Operations Addition and Subtraction of Real Numbers Multiplication and Division of Real Numbers Distributive Property Various Properties of Real Numbers Graphing Data on a Coordinate Plane S K I L L S Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide Variables Solve for variables Correct processing real numbers through the order of operations Use the distributive property Compare integers and real numbers

Algebra 1

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Syllabus for ALGEBRA 1 2012-2013 School Year Mr. Kurth 691-2100 ex6293 Course Power Standards: Problem Solve Utilizing Appropriate Mathematical Processes Problem Solve Utilizing Appropriate Technology Apply Algebra Skills Analyze Reasonableness of Solutions Communicate Mathematical Reasoning in Verbal and Written Form Homework and Classwork: Homework and classwork are assigned for the sole and specific reason for test preparation. Students are allowed to work ahead on the ALEKS program and, at the very least, remain with the pace set by Quizzes: The ALEKS program will give quizzes at various times to check for full comprehension of previously-learned material. TESTS: Tests will be given on the ALEKS program at the end of each unit.

APUSH lesson plans

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Philosophical Chairs ?Should the Theory of Evolution be taught in public schools?? *Students will prepare a debate of the ?Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925.? <>VIEWPOINT<> *The teacher will have students draw from a hat whose position for which they will argue. The number of students in the class will be divided by two (if there are 30 students, there will be 15 ballots against teaching Theory of Evolution and 15 ballots promoting the teaching of the Theory of Evolution) <>PHILISOPHICAL CHAIRS<> *Students will be given copies of: ?State v. John Scopes (The Monkey Trial)? by Douglas O. Linder ?What is Darwin's Theory of Evolution?? by Ker Than ?Evolution? Impossible? by Answers in Genesis.org to prepare their arguments for debate.


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