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Erik Erikson

Weiten Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Human Development Across the Life Span Progress Before Birth: Prenatal Development 3 phases germinal stage = first 2 weeks conception, implantation, formation of placenta embryonic stage = 2 weeks ? 2 months formation of vital organs and systems fetal stage = 2 months ? birth bodily growth continues, movement capability begins, brain cells multiply age of viability Figure 10.1 Overview of fetal development Environmental Factors and Prenatal Development Maternal nutrition Malnutrition linked to increased risk of birth complications, neurological problems, and psychopathology Maternal drug use Tobacco, alcohol, prescription, and recreational drugs Fetal alcohol syndrome Environmental Factors and Prenatal Development Maternal illness

Freud and Personality

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Freud and Personality Id- Ego- Superego- Defense Mechanisms DEFENSE DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE denial arguing against an anxiety provoking stimuli by stating it doesn't exist denying that your physician's diagnosis of cancer is correct and seeking a second opinion displacement taking out impulses on a less threatening target slamming a door instead of hitting as person, yelling at your spouse after an argument with your boss intellectualization avoiding unacceptable emotions by focusing on the intellectual aspects focusing on the details of a funeral as opposed to the sadness and grief projection placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else when losing an argument, you state "You're just Stupid;" homophobia
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