APES Chemistry Shortcuts
Chemistry Summer Assignment 2011- 2012 Abbreviation Full name CO2 Carbon Dioxide (#1 greenhouse gas) CO Carbon Monoxide C6H12O6 Glucose - sugar CH4 Methane (greenhouse gas) H2 Hydrogen Gas N2 Nitrogen Gas NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide Abbreviation Full name NO3 Nitrate NH3 Ammonia NH4 Ammonium (nitrogen fertilizer, NH3 in acidic H2O, first step in nitrogen cycle) O2 Oxygen O3 Ozone P Phosphorus PO43- Phosphate S Sulfur SO2 Sulfur dioxide (burning coal) Abbreviation Full name SO3 Sulfur trioxide (gas, forms acid rain) H2SO4 Sulfuric Acid NaCl Sodium Chloride (salt) Pb Lead U Uranium (weakly radioactive) Rn Radon (radioactive decay product of uranium) Hg Mercury (quicksilver, only naturally occurring liquid metal) Cl Chlorine Extra Formulas to Know Abbreviation Full Name H2O2