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Human behavior

Chapter 8

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Political geo helps explain the cultural and physical factors that underlie political unrest in the world. Places ? landmasses and water bodies, mountains and rivers, deserts and fertile ag land, urban areas, and forests. As recently as the 1940?s the world contained only about 50 countries, compared to 192 members of the United Nations as of 2009. A state is an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established gov. that has control over its internal and foreign affairs. In the late 1940?s korea?s division of N. and S. became permanent. Polar Regions have many claims but there are countries that believe that no one owns it. Antarctica treaty was signed in 1959 Arctic Circle is thought to be rich in energy recourses.

Ch. 8 Sec.2

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The shape of a state controls the length of its boundaries with other states. Countries have one of five basic shapes- compact, porupted, elongated, fragmented, or perforated. COMPACT STATES: EFFICIENT -ideal shape would be a circle - Usually has more communication between people ELONGATED STATES: POTENTIAL ISOLATION -Long narrow shape -EX: Chile, Malawi, Italy, Gambia. -May suffer from poor internal communications. (Distance issues) PRORUPTED STATES: ACCES OR DISPUTION -Compact state with large projecting extension -created for two principal reasons 1. To provide a state with access to a resource such as water 2. To separate two states that otherwise would share a boundary EX. AFGHANISTAN PERFORATED STATES: SOUTH AFRICA A state that completely surrounds another one

Declaration of Independence

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IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Multi-Variable Calculus summary

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evolution and cesarean sections

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British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology October 1998, Vol. 105, pp. 1052-1055 HYPOTHESIS Caesarean section: an evolving procedure? Almost 140 years after the publication of the theory of evolution by natural selection?, arguably one of the greatest achievements of science, we persist in failing to appreciate its proper application to the human species. We have a natural tendency to see ourselves as the unchanging pinnacle of creation, the supreme creation of nature, as if evolution were a ladder with Homo supiens at the top. Instead, we should see evolution as a tree, which proceeds by branching and not (usually) by wholesale transfor- mation and replacement?. Each currently extant twig survives, not because it is ideally suited to its environ-

Determination of Melting Point CHEM AP Lab

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Determination of Melting Point Abstract- This lab consists of comparing several substances melting point obtained through experimentation with the actual melting point of other known substances. With this method, the melting point of unknown substances can be determined. The data received shows melting points of three substances, two of which are identified, and the last is unknown. The first two, Benzoic Acid and Vanillin serve as confirmation of the method as they are similar to the data given of the known substances. The last is an experimental unknown substance to apply the method to determine the melting point. This experiment shows that the melting point of a substance can contribute to identifying an unknown substance.


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