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U.S Expansion

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Territory Date Acquired Previous owner Circumstances of acquisition Louisiana Purchase 1803 France Frances failure to subdue Santoa Domingo and the termination of American rights were the ultimate causes. British Cession 1818 Britain Was an attempt to restore peace with Great Britain. Florida (Spanish Cession) 1819 Spain War and violence Texas 1845 Independent In 1836 Texas requested admission to the union and declared its independence from Mexico. Oregon Territory April 1846 Britain Britain had no choice but to negotiate or go to war. Mexican Cession Feb. 2nd 1848 Mexico Mexican-American war Gadsden Purchase 1853 Mexico Manifest destiny had little effect due to State conflicts. Purchase was negotiated by James Gadsden. U.S. after Revolution

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

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Issue Hamilton?s views Jefferson?s views Agrarian vs. manufacturing society Hamilton believed manufacturing and urban commerce should be equally promoted. And should be increased and decreased based on the society in which it is present. Jefferson believed agriculture should be promoted more, saying manufacturing/urban commerce would lead to moral corruption. Elite vs. common man Hamilton felt the common man should not be trusted with government, saying the common man was undependable and usually wrong. Jefferson trusted the common people, and felt they would fix what goes wrong. National bank (loose vs. strict interpretation) Hamilton was for loose interpretation, saying if the act is not forbidden by any particular provision of the constitution, it can be done.

Notes on C3 and C4 Phtosynthesis

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Notes on C3 Photosynthesis Examples of C3 plants: lilac, wheat, oak trees, rice? These pathways are the ones we already learned: Light reactions Dark reactions (Calvin cycle) The reason we refer to this process as a C3 process is because many of the intermediates in the Calvin Cycle have 3 carbons! ie phosphoglycerate, glyceraldehyde, G3P? But C3 plants have a problem. If it gets too hot, too much water vapor will leave through the stomata and this threatens the plant with dehydration. Plants solve this by closing their stomata. New Problem! This cuts off CO2 from entering the leaf. So oxygen gas increases and CO2 gas decreases. This is an unfavorable gas ratio in the leaf air spaces.

Chapter 1 all key issues

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Site: physical character of a place Important site characteristics: climate, water sources, topography, soil, vegetation, latitude, and elevation. New York City?s manhattan island is twice as larger as today than It was in 1626. Situatation: location of a place relative to other places Valuable to indicate location bc : 1. Finding an unfamiliar place and understanding its importance. Helps find unfamiliar place because it helps locate referring to another location. Situation helps us understand importance of location. Example: Singapore Meridian: North south, longitude Prime meridian England Royal Observatory Greenwich England. Parallel East to west: latitude Equator 0 latitude N. pole 90 north latitude south is same Latitude could be measured longitude human creation

Chapter 1 all key issues

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AP Human Geography In your opinion, what region of the US is characterized by the following? -Jazz, blues: Louisianna, New Orleans -Fast, talkers, cheese steaks: New York, North East -Polka music, Scandinavian: Upper mid-west, Minnesota -Maple syrup, hard-working, punctual: New England -Micro-breweries, lots of tree huggers, gringe: Seattle, Washington What is Human Geography? Human Geography is the systematic study of the location of people and human activities across Earth?s surface and of their relationships to one another. ?Geo? Earth ?Graphy? Writing What exactly do we study? -Culture: -Economics: Levels of economic activity, economic development Primary level: agriculture, farming, mining Secondary Level: manufacturing Third level: Service Forth level: information


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