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Decline of the Old War

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Decline of the Old World Order Social Caliphates leaders of the faith Lives of luxury War/Tactic Mongols Invade Baghdad and slaughters most of the people Invaded BY atmen turks = lose control Attack byzantine Driven out of Egypt by Mamluks (slave people nation) Cairo becomes the center of middle eastern culture Princes get together to drive them out of Russia Chinese Drive Mongols out of Northern china into Mongolia and created the Ming Dynasty Control Vietnam, Tibet, and Korea Sponsor international sea exploration (navy, to establish trade) Lead by admiral Zheng He Make contact with roughly 50 tributary state Takes back good, currency, animals, and gold Emperor retreats the soldiers when the admiral dies Emperor burns down the boat

IB American History World War Two and Nazi Regim

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The Civil War First African American was brought to the US in 1619 abroad a Dutch cargo ship By 1800 ? few to no slaves in the North Why? Because the immigrants were coming into the North and couldn?t compete Rocky soil, farming bad, became industrial Religious groups such as the Quakers Vermont was the first territory to end slavery legally in 1776 First state PA in 1780, MA 1783, NH 1783, RI 1784, NY 1799, NJ 1804, OH 1802 Gradual slaves were freed by lay upon reaching a certain age Judicial courts ruling: MA was one based on ?all men are create equal? Constitutional ?as new states were formed it was written into constitution Top levels of White Southern Society 1780-1860 Slavery wasn?t as popular and spread out as we were taught Most of population called ?yeoman farmers?

IB American History World War Two

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IB History of the Americas Semester Exam Review 1. What was the merger between Germany and Austria called? a. Anschluss 2. Who was the prime minister who was known for appeasing Germany? a. Chamberlain 3. What was the first country that was mandated independent? a. Iraq 4. According to the Palm Beach reading, what has Morrison field turned into? a. PBI 5. What was Manchuria renamed? a. Manchiqua 6. Who was the leader of the United States through the majority of WWII and the Great Depression? a. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 7. What was Gerbels known for a. Nazi propaganda 8. What was Goering in charge of? a. Luftwafe and the Reichstag 9. Who was the SA leader that was killed in the night of the long knives? a. Ernest Rohm 10. Name the country and leader of each of the Big 4

notes ch 11

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Chapter 9 Outline

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Chapter 9: Christian Europe Emerges, 600-1200 -Charles (towered over 6 ft 3, being taller than the average man in his time) -Crowned king in mid-20?s in 768 -Waged war on Muslim invaders from Spain, Avar, Hungary, and a # of German princes -Pope Leo III placed a new crown on Charles head. - Charlemagne- (from Latin Carolus Magnus, ?Charles the Great?) -First in Western Europe to bear the title emperor in over 300 years -German custom and Christian piety transformed the Roman heritage to create a new civilization -Irish monks preaching in Latin become important intellectual influences in parts of Europe -Greek & Roman philosophy faded, urban life continued in decline of Roman Empire -Medieval- literally middle age


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