Psychology Psych-Outs
Psych Psych-Outs Helpful Mnemonics for the AP Psychology Exam Glia- Glue of nutrition Neuron (Interpreted Dance)- Dendrites, Soma, Axon, Terminal Buttons, Synapse, Receptor Sites Neural Impulse- (Toilet) Action Potential= Firing or Flushing Refractory Period= Recharging or Refilling of toilet water Resting Potential= Ready to fire All or None Principle- Fires or doesn?t at the same intensity (toilet flushing doesn?t flush faster if you push the handle harder?) Reuptake- Slurp Acetylcholine- Attention Arousal Memory Dopamine- Sell Dope at the Park. Dope makes you feel good, Park Parkinson Disease low levels Norepinephrine- Norma has PMS= mood & arousal Serotonin- Ninja Turtles live in the SEWA Sleep Eating Wakefulness Aggression