Varicella Zoster
Varicella Zoster (aka) Shingles Shingles Lysogenic Enters the organism- After someone has chicken pox the virus can remain dormant in certain nerve cells in the body. Blisters form along the affected area (normally a narrow strip of skin starting near the spine and spreading to the stomach) the blisters break, forming small ulcers that begin to dry and form crusts. The crusts fall off in 2 to 3 weeks. Scarring is rare. The rash may involve face, eyes, mouth, and ears. Herpes Zoster has no specific location or ethnicity it affects, but the incidence rate for it is every year it ranges from 1.2 to 3.4 cases per 1,000 healthy individuals, increasing to 3.9?11.8 per year per 1,000 individuals among those older than 65 years.