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McNary–Haugen Farm Relief Bill

Chap 32 AP US History notes

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A.P. U.S. History Notes Chapter 32 ?The Politics of Boom and Bust? (1920-1932) Chapter 32 Essential Learnings / Goals / Objectives I. Explore the economic issues involved in the Boom/Bust of the 20s. Vocabulary / Significant Terms: ?cronies? ?reactionaries? ?Merchant Marine? ?injunction? ?moratorium? ?parity? ?hung jury? ?harrow? ?reparations? ?devaluation? (of currency, also ?floating? currency) ?paternalism? ?quagmire? ?recourse? ?torpor? ?recalcitrant? ?exacerbated? I. The Republican ?Old Guard? Returns (3 Republicans win the 3 presidential elections of the 20s) A. Harding was inaugurated in 1921, looking presidential. 1. He was one of the best-liked men of his generation.

Chapter 33 Outline

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Chapter 33 Outline Catherine Snyder The Republican ?Old Guard? Returns Warren G Harding: became president in 1921, was a people-person, couldn?t see the immoral-ness in his associates Charles Evans Hughes: secretary of state, conservative leadership Andrew W. Mellon: new secretary of treasury, multimillionaire Herbert Hoover: secretary of commerce, wartime food administrator, important in foreign trade for US manufacturers Senator Albert B. Fall: New Mexico, anticonservationist, secretary of the interior Harry M. Daugherty: deceiving attorney general GOP Reaction at the Throttle Old Guard: wanted to get rid of progressive reforms and go back to laissez-faire government to the extent of guiding business to profit Taft: new chief justice, more liberal

Ch 32 The Politics of Boom and Bust

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Chapter 32 03/18/13 The Politics of Boom and Bust 1920-1932 Key Terms Adkins v. Children?s Hospital (1923): A landmark Supreme Court decision reversing the ruling in Muller v. Oregon, which had declared women to be deserving of special protection in the workplace. Nine-Power Treaty (1922): Agreement coming out of the Washington ?Disarmament? Conference of 1921-1922 that pledged Britain, France, Italy, United States, China, Netherlands, Portugal and Belgium to abide by the Open Door Policy in China. The Five-Power Naval Treaty on ship ratios and the Four-Power Treaty to preserve the status quo in the Pacific also came out of the conference.


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CHAPTER 32 The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932 Ill. SINGLE-ANSWER MULTIPLE CHOICE. Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions. 1. Warren G. Harding?s weaknesses as president included all of the following except a (n) a. lack of political experience. b. mediocre mind. c. inability to detect moral weaknesses in his associates. d. unwillingness to hurt people?s feelings by saying no. e. administrative weakness. 2. Match each member of President Harding?s cabinet below with his major area of responsibility. A. Charles Evans Hughes 1. taxes and tariffs B. Andrew Mellon 2. naval oil reserves C. Herbert Hoover 3. naval arms limitation D. Albert Fall 4. foreign trade and trade associations
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