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Why We're Wired to Binge-Watch TV

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Maia Regman Mrs. Magnan Biology Honors 15 March 2014 Why We're Wired to Binge-Watch TV In this generation of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, there are millions of people worldwide who spend hours watching entire seasons (or even series!) in one sitting. Whether it is in anticipation of an upcoming season or a newfound obsession, this practice is disarmingly very common. On demand programs are now must-haves for cable customers, and many search for torrents, full videos on Youtube or DVDs of seasons of their favorite shows. This has sparked many questions as to why millennials have this newfound fixation.

MLK Paper

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In?his?Letter?From?Birmingham?Jail,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?vehemently?refutes?the?arguments?of his?detractors?through?the?accomplished?use?of?references,?allusions,?and?anecdotes.??The?utilization?of references,?he?is?able?to?bring?religious?icons,?as?well?as?other?icons?thoughts?and?beliefs?to?paper?and provide?evidence?to?his?own?beliefs.??While?exercising?the?use?of?allusions,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?can bring?the?wrongdoings?of?segregation?to?light,?and?provide?credibility?to?his?nonviolent?direct?action. Through?his?uses?of?frequent?anecdotes,?whites?are?able?to?enter?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?s?world?and blacks?are?able?to?feel?understood. While?addressing?his?detractors,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?utilizes?many?references?when?appealing


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The wind picked up in that instant. Sand thrashed about the open area. As all of this natural existents went down a man watched close by. His short, brown hair whirled upward, trench coat fluttered behind him. His gaze kept on the waves that crashed about the shore. Finally, sunlight came through the clouds, hitting the man, giving him an angelic glow. His stare went upward into the light. His crystal, blue eyes glistened in the light but soon that faded away. The dark clouds formed in front of the sun once more, giving the day its original gloomy look.


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The wind picked up in that instant. Sand thrashed about the open area. As all of this natural existents went down a man watched close by. His short, brown hair whirled upward, trench coat fluttered behind him. His gaze kept on the waves that crashed about the shore. Finally, sunlight came through the clouds, hitting the man, giving him an angelic glow. His stare went upward into the light. His crystal, blue eyes glistened in the light but soon that faded away. The dark clouds formed in front of the sun once more, giving the day its original gloomy look.

To Kill a MockingBird Essay

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Michael Acosta Period 1 2-24-2013 To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay The thing that Keeps us Together. Siblings, at first glance you might think they hate each other but, when the time comes, love is shown. Jem and Scout and all the siblings in the world experience this. We all at one point hate our sibling and sometimes even wish they had never existed. However, we also realize that we love them no matter how annoying they might be. The feeling that siblings have to protect each other is one that everybody faces through their whole life and this is what helps us recognize that love overcomes any circumstance.

A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court

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A Connecticut Yankee In Mark Twain?s book, A Connecticut Yankee, Hank Morgan spends a lot of time dealing with superstition which was central to society in 5th-century England. Hank attempts to combat superstition by bringing technology to Camelot but fails to change the people?s way of thinking. Twain mocks their strict adherence to superstition while teaching us an important lesson about humanity: you can?t change human nature. Things go wrong early when Hank gets off on the the wrong foot in Camelot and within a few hours is sentenced to death and thrown into prison. He tries to get out of jail by telling Clarence, a page he has befriended, that he is really a powerful sorceror who will cause great damage if not

Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is written by George R.R. Martin, published by Bantam Books in 1996, and consists of 807 pages. Most people love to daydream and explore a world that is beyond their imagination. Game of thrones brings you a fantasy that is both intriguing and interesting. There is never a dull moment, whether it is in the descriptions, dialogue or the characters themselves. It provides a release from the humdrum routine of real life, and transports you back into your distant childhood when daydreaming and fantasizing was such a wonderful, daily activity. Game of Thrones has you literally on the edge of your seat in anticipation with its revealing and gripping dialogue, fantastic and unpredictable plots, and dynamically believable and complex characters.
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