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The Age of Dissent and Division, 1500–1600

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Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 6 May 2015 Chapter 3 Outline Dissent/Division, 1500 ? 1600 1500, Euro's econ. Was expo'ing., cities were growing, monarchs ofFrance, England, Spain, Scotland, Poland were est.; pop. Was increasing, gov't's were extending ctrl. Euros embarked on colonial expo.; papacy pursued territorial wars in Italy, Church weathered Avignon captivity/Great Schism Heresies were suppressed; in struggle over conciliarism, papacy won support from all Euro rulers, relegated conciliarists to isolation at Uni. Of Paris Devotion of Christians was strong/parish a crucial site of community ID Edu. Standards of parish clergy were higher than ever, reformersnoted that too many priests were ignorant of spiritual duties

Reformation Concepts and Understanding

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Reformation Concepts and Understanding AP Euro ? Questions 1.?MAIN IDEA/QUESTION: Why would the Reformation begin in a Northern European region, NOT in Italy, the ?home? of humanism? The focus of Italian humanism was secular humanism, or gaining knowledge and development as an individual. The focus on Northern Humanism was the reform and better understanding of the Church and Bible. The Northerners would have had more response time to the Church in Rome and thus would have had more time in turn to respond to the Catholics. To help you get there? A. Who were the Brothers and Sisters of the Common Life? B. What famous people of the period had studied there? C. What were their contributions or impacts?

Martin Luther Edict of Worms primary document

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English 233: Introduction to Western Humanities ? Baroque & Enlightenment Martin Luther: Excerpts from his account of the confrontation at the Diet of Worms (1521) [The translation is from H.C. Bettenson, Documents of the Christian Church (1903), based on Luther's Opera Latina (Frankfurt, 1865-73] Background. In 1520, Pope Leo X issued a bull of excommunication against Luther. He directed the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation to execute it. Charles V, however, was reluctant to take this step. Only 21 years old at the time, Charles had only at great expense and with much diplomacy managed to get himself elected Emperor in 1519. He was reluctant to alienate the German princes, many of whom were

frq - reformation

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Abigail Wright Reger 1 13 September 2014 AP European History FRQ - Reformation Martin Luther and Henry VIII are perhaps two of the most influential men in history in terms of getting what they wanted. However, both men followed through with their actions with different goals in mind; Henry?s goals being mostly personal issues while on the other hand, Martin Luther?s goals were focused on religion. Their actions were also different - Henry VIII?s actions far more brutal than Luther?s. In turn, two of the most lasting impressions of The Reformation were through the actions of both Henry VIII and Martin Luther.

Martin Luther Notes

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Martin Luther: Luther was a product of this time Father wanted him to have nothing more but intelligence, a lawyer Luther was very intelligent but wants to enter a religious life. Father was furious. Augustinian monk but was also terribly afraid of going to hell Experiences an inner crisis because he wants to know how he will be saved Reads the scripture over and over again. Finds his answer to salvation which is faith alone will save you (justification of faith alone) in the Epistles (letters) of Saint Paul (Pauline Letters). Did not believe in indulgences, doing good works to be saved, catholic church was in charge of salvation (pope, cardinals, bishops do not determine salvation). All every Christian had to do was read the scripture (sola scriptura).

European History

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Makenna Page 9/25/13 AP Euro History Mr. Letellier Pg. 376-385 Prelude to Reformation Church and Religion on the Eve of the Reformation Corruption of Catholic Church reformation Popes failed to provide spiritual leadership Preoccupation w/ finances Pluralism High church officials taking on more than one church office Absenteeism Failing to report to their church offices The Search for Salvation People sought salvation through relics because they reduced time in purgatory Indulgence: remission of all or part of punishment for sin after death Modern Devotion: stressed following the teachings of Jesus instead of religious code, WWJD The Imitation of Christ by Thomas ? Kempis Religious devotion grows, but clergy don?t live up to people?s expectations impact of Luther?s ideas


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The Reformation Study Guide Honors European Studies Pratik Vaidya Any material from guided notes, homework assignments, quiz questions, in-class worksheets or writing activities could show up on the test. Pre-Reformers: Motivated by the Corruption in the church Highest members of clergy held by nobles Nepotism: the appointment of family members to church positions Excessive excommunication in the church Luther Background ? Born in Germany in 1493 German theologian and Augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the protestant reformation; his reformation called the church to return the teachings of the Bible, first viral media influence, translated the Bible into German, etc. His father was strict and wanted him to become a lawyer studying at University of Erfuhrt

MLK Paper

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In?his?Letter?From?Birmingham?Jail,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?vehemently?refutes?the?arguments?of his?detractors?through?the?accomplished?use?of?references,?allusions,?and?anecdotes.??The?utilization?of references,?he?is?able?to?bring?religious?icons,?as?well?as?other?icons?thoughts?and?beliefs?to?paper?and provide?evidence?to?his?own?beliefs.??While?exercising?the?use?of?allusions,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?can bring?the?wrongdoings?of?segregation?to?light,?and?provide?credibility?to?his?nonviolent?direct?action. Through?his?uses?of?frequent?anecdotes,?whites?are?able?to?enter?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?s?world?and blacks?are?able?to?feel?understood. While?addressing?his?detractors,?Dr?Martin?Luther?King?utilizes?many?references?when?appealing
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