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Mikhail Gorbachev

Red Flags and Velvet Revolutions: The End of the Cold War, 1960–1990

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Kinberg, Nicholas Michael Chakmakian AP European History 7 June 2015 Chapter 18 Outline Red Flags/Velvet Revolutions: End of Cold War, 1960 ? 1990 TV, radio, film promoted Americanmiddle-class life 60s, econ. Boom ended, movements of social protest, especially among youth, shattered consensus; environmentalists/feminists criticized assumptions of older generation Problems were compounded in 1975 by econ. Crisis Econ. Decay with stagnation produced revolt;1989, commie rule collapsed in East Euro Migrants weren?t celebrated; became targets of suspicion/violence Reunification of Germany in 1991, attacks against migrants in East Germany by right-wing extremists killed 17 foreigners

Traditions and Encounters Chapter 38 Test Bank

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CHAPTER 38 TEST QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Ideologically, the two competing sides in the cold war were a. socialism and communism. b. communism and fascism. c. capitalism and communism. * d. republican and democrat. e. fascism and capitalism. (p. 1064) 2. The German Democratic Republic a. was formed out of the British, French, and American zones of occupation. b. was sealed off from its eastern half by the construction of the Berlin Wall. c. prospered under American leadership. d. was really under direct Chinese control. e. was formed out of the Soviet zone of occupation. * (p. 1066) 3. In the wake of the Berlin Blockade and Airlift, the U.S., British, and French zones of occupation in western Germany

Chapter 35

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CHAPTER 35 Power, Politics, and Conflict in World History, 1990?2010 Chapter Outline Summary I. The End of the Cold War A. Factors in the Soviet Decline disintegration invasion of Afghanistan, 1979 B. The Explosion of the 1980s and 1990s Forced industrialization environmental problems infant mortality up disease C. The Age of Reform Mikhail Gorbachev reforms, 1985 nuclear reduction missiles limited withdrew from Afghanistan glasnost perestroika foreign investment encouraged military spending down new constitution, 1988 re-elected, 1990 D. Dismantling the Soviet Empire Eastern Europe Soviet troops out Bulgaria free elections, 1989 Hungary, Poland new governments, 1988 Czechoslovakia new government, 1989 East Germany

euro 29

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Chapter 29 The Western World (Since 1970) Moving Beyond the Cold War 1970s: U.S.-USSR relations entered d?tente phase 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty: limit ABM launching systems 1975: Helsinki Agreement reduced U.S.-USSR tensions Recognized all European borders established since end of WWII Recognize and protect human rights of citizens Jimmy Carter focused on human rights protection in foreign policy 1979: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan hardened U.S.-USSR relations Carter cancels U.S. participation in Moscow Olympics; places embargo on shipment of U.S. grain to USSR Early Reagan administration witnessed return to harsh rhetoric Reagan begins military buildup, stimulating a renewed arms race 1982: Reagan introduces nuclear-tipped cruise missile

Fall of Communism

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FALL OF COMMUNISM 29-3 Economic Unity 1957: European Economic Community 1960: European Free Trade Association Postwar Soviet Union Khrushchev takes effort to DE-Stalinize Remained committed Communists Revolts in Eastern Europe Soviet troops put down rebellion in East Germany (1953) Poland (1956) Hungary (1956) Budapest Czechoslovakia (1968) Prague Solidarity Movement: Polish movement against Communism led by Lech Walessa Gorbachev Glasnost: openness and willingness to discuss Soviet issues Perestroika: reconstructing and reforming Soviet system Revolutions in Eastern Europe Velvet Revolution: peaceful revolution pushing Communists out of Czechoslovakia Solidarity Movement: Polish revolution, elect Walessa as President

Chapter 26 Notes

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The Crisis in the Soviet Union125. Leadership was desperate, country in shambles? Studied as agriculture researcher ? Prepped to become leader? Came to attention of Andropov-party general secretary? Nice smile, iron teeth? Reform leader of Soviets Mikhail S. Gorbachev rose to power? Called it perestroika? Had to persuade economic restructuring? More productivity? Better quality? Decentralize? Proceeded cautiously, initially met with conflict? Old economy worked for industrialization, needed something new for contemporary world? Allowed criticism of system, introspection? Freed press? Glasnost ? Country thawed, newspapers, theater, arts and politics, as well as books and plays were freer to be published ? People freer? Legal codes revised? Possible tolerance for religion?
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