history of painting
HISTORY OF PAINTING 4/27/13 9:13 AM KNOW: FUNCTION, ORIGAL LOCATION, PATRON, MEDIA Sumerian?around 3000 BCE - most of 2D art works have a function know original location and function Standard of Ur?Know it?s function Power/authority War allows for peace?peace achieved through war OL: court palace or something like that Egyptian 2500-1200 BCE - Tomb Paintings?book of the dead funerial tradition Ka?relates to kings in the afterlife OL: in a tomb/in between the legs of a mummy About being unambiguous, straight forward (b/c of function) Twisted perspective?showing 2 views at once Arial, frontal, profile Proto Greek - Minoan?1500 BCE OL: palaces Celebratory, joyous, festive Media: frescoes, ceramics Greek There has been a lot of painting, most of it has been lost