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John Burgoyne

Chapter 8

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Second Continental Congress Met in the hopes that fighting would allow for the addressing of their grievances. George Washington The leader of the American army, selected by the Congress for political reasons Ticonderoga and Crown Point A store of gunpowder and artillery secured by the Americans Bunker (Breed?s) Hill A hill taken by Americans, defended mercilessly, abandoned without gunpowder Olive Branch Petition A petition adopted by America, pleading for peace and professing Crown loyalty Thomas Paine A writer who called the freedom of America from England ?common sense.? Republicanism A society where power flows from the people, not a despotic monarch Richard Henry Lee A delegate at the Philadelphia Congress who pushed for independence Thomas Jefferson

American Pageant 14th Edition Chapter 8 notes

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The Second Contential Congress meet in Philadelphia. The Congress selected Washington to lead the Colonial army. Bunker Hill was one of the first losses for the colonists. The Congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition and the King ignored it. Thomas Paine published Common Sense and it brought up points influential in American independence. Paine believed in a republic over a monarchy. 1. What drove the Congress in choosing Geroge Washington to lead? 2. Why was Bunker Hill influential? What happened? What was the Olive Branch Petition?

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 6

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Tindall Ch6 Outline The American Revolution 1776: Washington?s Narrow Escape British landed in Staten island on 7/2/1776 with 32,000 men, compared to Washingtons? force of 19,000 defenders. When morale became low, Thomas Paine wrote The American Crisis to boost morale. On Christmas Washington routed a garrison of 1,500 Hessians at Trenton and repelled the redcoats at Princeton three weeks later. Washington realized the only way to win was to pick at the British slowly but surely. American Society at War Many colonists were divided because of the war, Loyalists were treated very harshly. The British were also unable to use Loyalists effectively to their advantage. American militiamen tended to ambush or fight hand-to-hand, not flat out battles.
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