8–2 Levi Coffin’s Underground Railroad station, 1826–1827, Chapter 8: Opposition to Slavery, 1800-1833
Chapter 8: Opposition to Slavery, 1800-1833 8?2 Levi Coffin?s Underground Railroad station, 1826?1827 Levi Coffin hated slavery. Although he was born and raised in North Carolina, he abhorred slavery and joined thousands of men and women who remained steadfast in the fight against slavery. Eventually he moved to Newport, Indiana, only six miles west of the Ohio border, and became a ?conductor.? He gave aid to his first fugitive slave in 1826 and in time this gentle Quaker would assist more than 3000 slaves in throwing off the shackles of bondage. SOURCE: Levi Coffin, Reminiscences of Levi Coffin (Cincinnati, 1876) Eyewitness: The Negro in American History, Touchstone Edition, by William Loren Katz, Ethrac Publications Inc., 1995