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Women's Rights


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Women?and?Communal?Strikes?in?the?Crisis?of?1917???1922?? An?interesting?fact?concerning?the?protests?by?working?class?in?the?period?during?and?succeeding?WWI?was? not?initial?demands?for?revolutionary?change?or?worker?s?rights,?but?instead?forcing?government?to?provide? basic?life?necessities?of?food?and?shelter?during?times?of?rationing.?Though?there?were?differences?in? geography?and?outcomes,?the?goal?was?the?same?in?demanding?survival?over?social?and?economic?change.? The?politicization?of?these?movements?did?not?occur?until?their?male?counterparts,?who?did?hold?memberships? in?unions?and?radical?political?groups,?sympathized?with?their?female?equivalents?and?participated?in?these?

Women's Rights Timeline

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The Territory of Wyoming passes the first law in the nation giving women over age 21 the right to vote. After joining the Union in 1890, Wyoming becomes the first state to permit women the right to vote in all elections, although in 1887, Kansas al- lowed women to vote in municipal elec- tions. The colonies adopt the English system of property ownership for married women, meaning women cannot own property in their own name or keep their own earnings. By 1900, every state will have passed leg- islation modeled after New York?s Mar- ried Women?s Property Act (1848), which grants married women the right to keep their own wages and to own property in their own name. 1769 1848 1868 1869 1869 Racial Equality Issue Splits Two Suffrage Associations

Chapter 16 & 17 Women's History Notes APUSH

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Women= active in public life male professions suffrage, social work & reform 1910s & 1920s young women did not all see themselves as a community of women Emma Goldman believed gaining creers many women sacrificed valuable things Believed women were more moral than men Saw women as priding themselves to be emotionally & spiritiually empty Saw battles women fought consumed emotional reserves when they were after professions goldman didn?t believe women could emancipate themselves by overcoming ?external tyrannies? begins in soul Goldman believed women?s sexual difficulties to have a psychological basis Believed they could not be emancipated until they no longer feared sex goldman believed marriage stood in way of emancipation marriage=economic arrangement believed

Women's Rights Outline

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Women?s Rights POLITICAL Women followed England?s example Running in front of horses 1848 ? Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments Organizations: 1869 ? NWSA fighting in Congress b. 1869 - AWSA a. fighting in states c. 1966 ? NOW a. equality in workplace 3. Federal Acts a. 1893 ? CO lets women vote b. 1920 ? 19th Amendment c. 1960 ? FDA approves birth control pills d. 1963 ? Equal Pay Act e. 1973 ? Roe vs. Wade a. safe and legal abortion f. 1978 ? Pregnancy Discrimination Act g. 1994 ? Violence Against Women Act SOCIAL Women?s Role no vote, husband has control, no property unless widowed women are few in the west / have more power 1920?s flappers, new ideas of women seen as deteriorating society
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