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French and Indian War

Chapters 4-6 Rough Notes

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ben Nichols? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Notes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AP History?? Chapter 4?? ~1/2 the people that were born in the new world died before they were 12? ~Angry men (Bacon) overthrew Berkley and his monopoly? ~Slavery put many people out of business in Virginia? ~Freed slaves could own other slaves up to a point? ~Slaves brought words into English language? ~New England industries had an easier time than southern farmers? ~Northern families did much better at staying alive? ~Southern women were able to keep land and a title where Northern women were not? ~Harvard is the oldest corporation in the US? ~Most children were required an elementary education in the North? ~The witchcraft hysteria ended in 1693?? Chapter 5??

American Pagent Chapter 6 Rough Notes

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ben Nichols? ? ? ? ? 9/19/14? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AP History? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chapter 6?? ~The ?Old World Nations; Britain, France and Spain all rushed to get remaining land in the ?New World?.? ~From 1688-1763 four wars went through Europe which were meant for domination of Europe and the ?New World?.? ~Why are WW1&2 the only wars that are considered WW?s when there have been 9 WW?s?? ~Champlain helped fight with Native Americans so the Natives could keep their land In the upper New York area.? ~New France (Canada area) was filled with beavers which were a valued fur commodity.? ~French men recruited Natives to help them but many of them died from diseases.? ~French men went across the whole continent in search of beavers.?

American Pageant 13E Chapter 6 Study Guide

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Student Study Guide for the American Pageant CHAPTER 6 The Duel for North America, 1608?1763 seq NL1 \r 0 \h Chapter Summary ? Like Britain, France entered late into the American colonial scramble, eventually developing an extensive though thinly settled empire economically based on the fur trade. During much of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Britain and France engaged in a bitter power struggle that frequently erupted into worldwide wars. In North America these wars constituted an extended military duel for imperial control of the continent.

Chapter 6

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New France A large part of Canada and the US, ruled by the king. Louisiana A French post used to block Spain and tap into fur trading. salutary neglect The beneficially relaxed system of British colonial rule. Acadia French lands, now Nova Scotia, given to England War of Jenkin?s Ear A war fought in the Caribbean and Georgia (English/Spanish) King George?s War New Englanders fought for French Louisbourg, won, and lost it during the peace settlement (French+Spanish/American) Louisbourg A fortress won by New Englanders and returned to France Fort Duquesne A French fort in Ohio Valley captured by Washington, then recaptured by French forces. Cajun The descendants of French Acadians in Louisiana Seven Years War

America: a Narrative History by Tindall and Shi notes Chapter 4

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Tindall Ch 4 outline The Imperial Perspective English Administration of the colonies English colonies had some degree of self-governance, so they had a sense of more rights. English civil war from 1642-1646 also gave the colonies a break from royal control. In 1651-1663, three Navigation Acts were passed, restricting the colonies? trade to just England. The Lords of Trade was established in 1675 to enforce the Navigation Act. Edward Randolph tried to enforce the Navigation Act in Massachusetts. Massachusetts declared the Navigation Act invalid in 1678 and therefore the charter of Massachusetts was canceled by the Lords of Trade in 1684 and became a royal colony. Charles II dies in 1685. His brother James II takes over as the first Catholic ruler since 1558.


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Key Events & Battles, French & Indian War ?Event Date Location Notes/Significance British defeated at Ft. Duquesne 1755 Western Pennsylvania (present-day Pittsburgh) Gen. Braddock's force of 1450 men surrounded and defeated by Indian and French-Canadian forces American colonists refuse to serve under British commander 1757 American colonies New British commander (Lord Loudoun) closely managed the war effort, demanding exact numbers of recruits and money from colonies. Colonial assemblies began to refuse to cooperate. French take Ft. Osage 1756 Upstate New York French commander Montcalm takes fort, but is horrified to discover that his Indian allies kill wounded soldiers, take scalps, and make slaves of captives. Massacre at Ft. William Henry 1757

Treaty of Paris 1763

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During the war, Britain had conquered the French colonies of Canada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tobago, the French "factories" (trading posts) in India, the slave-trading station at Gor?e, the S?n?gal River and its settlements, and the Spanish colonies of Manila (in the Philippines) and Havana (in Cuba). France had captured Minorca and British trading posts in Sumatra, while Spain had captured the border fortress of Almeida in Portugal, and Colonia del Sacramento in South America. In the treaty, most of these territories were restored to their original owners. Britain however made considerable gains.[3] France and Spain restored all their conquests to Britain and Portugal.

AP History Notes Chapter 6

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Sarah Guse Chapter 6 The Duel for North America 1608-1763 ? France Finds a Foothold in Canada In?1598, the?Edict of Nantes?was issued by the crown of France.? It granted limited religious freedom to French Protestants, and stopped religious wars between the Protestants and Catholics. In?1608, France established?Quebec.? (Catholic)? The leading figure was?Samuel de Champlain,?an intrepid soldier and explorer whose energy and leadership earned him the title "Father of New France". The government of New France (Canada) was under direct control of the king.? The people did not elect any representative assemblies. ? New France Sets Out New France contained one valuable resource -?beaver.?

hi mi6

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Ms. Wise AICE U.S. HISTORY Chapter 6, 7 and 8 Study Guide *ANSWER ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER 1 & 2. What was the reason for Britain needing to control the Ohio Valley? What was the reason for France needing to control the Ohio Valley? Ohio Valley was enriched with various things like the wildlife and powerful economy assets which has become a bone of dispute between the two countries. Since, French had already established their control in the area with the passage of time, they claimed it theirs. Conversely, British had the exact same claim. Consequently, both clashed for attainting control of the valley which has then resulted in a conflict known as the French Indian War. 2. What was the Seven Years? War known as?

French and Indian War Notes

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North American Alliances By the mid-eighteenth century, the face of North America was changing. The British soldiers, officials, and colonists were moving west from the Atlantic coast and starting to cross into the Ohio River Valley. The Spanish occupied a vast region extending from the Gulf of California, across the desert, and along the Gulf Coast to Florida. The French settled primarily in New France, the area that would later become Canada.


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