output per capita - more accurate measurement of standard of living than total
- adjusts for country's different sizes
- in comparing other countries, cannot simply just use exchange rates to calculate relative GDPs
- purchasing power parity (PPP) - adjusted real GDP numbers using set of common prices
- different products valued differently in different countries >> better to use the same price for each product
general growth trends
- standard of living has increased a lot since 1950
- force of compounding - effects of growth increase over time
- growth rates of output per capita decreasing since 1970s
- output per capita converging over time
- countries behind in output have grown faster >> catching up
- from end of Roman empire to 1500s, almost no growth of output per capita in Europe
- majority of people employed in agriculture
- slow growth from 1500 to 1700s, remained small even during Industrial Revolution
- high growth only a recent phenomenon
- leapfrogging - leader in output per capita changes (no single dominant leader)
- 4 tigers - Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea >> gaining on Japan
- convergence not a trend among African countries