Free response question index Bio
Biology [1]
Biology [2]
microbiology [3]
plants [4]
Cell Biology [5]
Prokaryote [6]
Eukaryote [7]
cell [8]
Photosynthesis [9]
Primary production [10]
bacteria [11]
organelle [12]
evolution [13]
health [14]
AP Biology Free Response Questions Index See the complete questions and scoring rubrics here: ? 2010 Form A: 1. ?Homeostasis of blood glucose levels 2. ?Enzymatic reaction 3. ?Genetic cross and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 4. ?Ecological succession 2010 Form B: 1. ?Chromatography and Photosynthesis 2. ?Point mutation and allele frequency 3. ?Ecological role of bacteria and GMO bacteria 4. ?Biotic and abiotic variables, designing a controlled experiment 2009 Form A: 1. ?Behavioral response and physiological effect in fish to temperature 2. ?ATP, GTP, chemiosmosis to produce ATP, energy pyramid 3. ?Phylogeny, genetic variations in cytochrome c