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Statistics (Myers)

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AP Psychology Statistics Unit 2: Statistics Reading Questions Module 7: pages 56-61 What is ?the point to remember? about statistics? The point to remember about statistics is doubt big, round, and undocumented numbers. What are descriptive statistics? Descriptive statistics is the numerical data used to measure and describe characteristics of groups; includes measures of central tendency and measures of variation. What is the ?fancy? name for a bar graph? A histogram is a bar graph depicting a frequency distribution. What is meant by measure of central tendency? A measure of central tendency is a single score that represents a whole set of scores. Define mode, median & mean. Mode: the most frequently occurring score(s) in a distribution

The psychology of attraction: the top five classic studies.

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ATTRACTION The Psychology of Attraction: The Top Five Classic Studies 1. Similarity and the ?Bogus Stranger?- Attraction and Positive Reinforcement (Byrne & Nelson, 1965) 2. Friends in the Dorm : Proximity and ?Mere Exposure? (Festinger, Schachter, & Back, 1950) 3. The Shaky Bridge and ?Misattribution of Arousal? (Dutton & Aron, 1974) 4. Gain-Loss Theory (Aronson & Linder, 1965) 5. Beauty is Good (Dion, Berscheid & Walster, 1972) Remember our Theories? Evolutionary Perspectives, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Social-learning Perspectives, Learning/Cognitive/Behavioral Perspectives What attracts us to other people? Similarity or Homophily ? ?Birds of a Feather? ?There is much evidence that humans engage in assortative mating

Coming Out Azerbaijan

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?lk olaraq bac?lar?ma dedim. ?S?nin h?yat?nd?r, nec? ya?ay?rsan, ya?a? dey? cavab verdil?r. Sonra is? sinifd?ki 6 illik dostuma etiraf etdim. O da ?Bunda q?rib? he? n? yoxdur, dostum olaraq qalacaqsan? cavab?n? verdi. Anama dan??anda bir az dayand?, sonra otaqdan ??xd?. Amma aram?z d?ym?di. Atam is? 1 h?ft? m?nl? dan??mam??d?, lakin sonra m?nasib?timiz d?z?lmi?di. ?n yax?n dostuma etiraf ed?nd? is? h?r ?ey ba?qa oldu. ?nc? he? n? dem?di, lakin sonra ?Bax, qaqa?, m?n art?q namaza ba?layacam, s?nl? dan??maq, dost olmaq dinimiz? uy?un deyil? demi?di. ?ok ke?irtdim. H?r g?n q?zlar?n arxas?nca min d?f? baxan insan?n bunu dem?si nec? d? q?rib? idi.

psych lecture

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Chapter 20 Biotechnology Overview: The DNA Toolbox Sequencing of the human genome was completed by 2007 DNA sequencing has depended on advances in technology, starting with making recombinant DNA In recombinant DNA, nucleotide sequences from two different sources, often two species, are combined in vitro into the same DNA molecule Methods for making recombinant DNA are central to genetic engineering, the direct manipulation of genes for practical purposes DNA technology has revolutionized biotechnology, the manipulation of organisms or their genetic components to make useful products An example of DNA technology is the microarray, a measurement of gene expression of thousands of different genes Fig. 20-1

Myers 8th Edition Psychology - Introduction Questions

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AP Psychology Introduction 1. Define psychology. the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes 2. Trace the historical development of psychology from Aristotle to John Watson. Identify major contributors and their major contribution. A lot of psycology is based in philosophy and religion with roots in Buddha, Confucious, etc. Greek philosophers are noted for psycology?s origins -- starting with Socrates (who taught plato who taught ariistotle). Aristotle loved data and turned thought into a science, ultimately leading to that which is psycology. 3. Describe psychology?s concerns regarding nature and nurture. Do human traits develop through experience vs are we born with those traits?

Myers 8th Edition Psychology - Personality Notes

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Personality Sigmund Freud - Father of psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis - Theory of personality that attempts to provide insight into thoughts and actions by exposing and interpreting underlying unconscious motives and conflicts. The Unconscious Id - unconscious, psychic energy, aims to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive desires. Pleasure principle - immediate gratification Superego - internalized ideals and judgements that provide standards of judgement Ego - ?executive? part of personality - makes decisions by mediating the superego and id. Revealing the Unconscious

Myers 8th Edition Psychology - Motivation and Work Notes

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Ch 12: Motivation and Work Basic Vocab Motivation- a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior Instinct- complex behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species and is unlearned Drive-Reduction Theory- the idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need Homeostasis- 1. tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state 2. regulation of any aspect of body chemistry around a particular level Incentives- a positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior. Maslow?s Hierarchy of Needs: Self-actualization needs = Need to live up one?s fullest and unique potential

Module 10 part 1

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Doreen Pang Mrs. Trainor AP Psychology 8 November 2016 Module 10-1 Adolescence Adolescence: The transition period from childhood to adulthood, extending from puberty to independence Due to improved nutrition ? sexual maturation occurs earlier nowadays Adolescence is often marked by mood swings Begins with puberty: period of sexual maturation, during which one first becomes capable of reproducing; 2-year period of rapid development usually beginning in girls at age 11 and in boys at age 13 Primary sex characteristics: body structures (ovaries, testes, and external genitalia) that make sexual reproduction possible Secondary sex characteristics: nonreproductive sexual characteristics ?female breasts and hips, male voice quality and body hair Landmarks of puberty: boys

Module 9 part 2

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Doreen Pang Mrs. Trainor AP Psychology 7 November 2016 Module 9-2 Autism Developmental disability in which child suffers severe challenge with social interactions, impairments with both verbal and nonverbal communication, and sensory overload. Signs emerge before the age of three Parenting ?Attachment Theory ?Attachment: ?the reciprocal relationship between caregiver and child ?Harry Harlow Comment by Doreen Pang: Baby monkey experiment-Preferred comfort ?raised baby monkeys with two artificial wire frame figure ?monkeys? ?one figure was fitted with a bottle the infant could feed from the other wrapped in soft material ?when frightened, infants preferred soft mom demonstrated the importance of physical comfort in formation of attachment

Module 9 part 1

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Doreen Pang Mrs. Trainor AP Psychology 4 November 2016 Module 9-1 Infancy and Childhood The developing brain overproduces neurons. Pruning: Comment by Doreen Pang: You don't gain new neurons; they're all there at birth the process of weeding out unnecessary connections and strengthening the important ones. Occurs during puberty Maturation Maturation: Comment by Doreen Pang: Biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience Comment by Doreen Pang: Standing before walking, babbling before talking, nouns before adj Biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience. standing before walking babbling before talking using nouns before adjectives


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