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2.04 Long Essay

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Both Chinese and Japanese cultures had visionary pieces of art work that related to their beliefs and values of its culture. In the Chinese culture a sacred object that was highly important would be The Cong. The Cong is a stone object sometimes carved with designs that is associate with Chinese funeral rituals. The Cong was first appeared in the Neolithic Era and continued to appear and be used throughout the Shang and Zhou dynasties. A sacred object in the Chinese culture would be the Buddha statue. Many parts of the Buddha statue can be tied into the Japanese culture with some of its physical features. The Buddha statue was created during the Heian period in Japan during 1053.

AP world

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AP World History Karthik Narayanan PERSIA chart template Unit Date Range: 600 BCE-600 CE Africa Middle East Europe East Asia South Asia Southeast Asia Political Ritually Isolated Kings The Carthaginian people lived in north Africa. Persian Empire ruled; Cyrus? decedents. Ruled with a system of ?provinces?. Satraps governed each province. They reported to the ruler. The Roman republic was in public possession. Augustus ended the republic, made it the empire. Constantine moved capital and split country. Used Mandate of heaven to justify rule. If you pass the civil service exam you are part of Gentry. Great wall to keep xiongnu out. Ashoka was ruler who spread Buddhism. Gupta was a theater state. Maurya was first united India. Funan Empire

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 The Classical Period: Directions, Diversities, and Declines by 500 C.E. I. Expansion and Integration A. Key point ? how did classical civilizations adjust to expansion 1. Between 550>400 BCE Confucius, Laozi, Buddha, Socrates a. Need to articulate central values B. How did they all unite? 1. China ? more centralized 2. Mediterranean ? more localized/diverse 3. India ? key religious values ? not as vulnerable to collapse ? like Rome C. What are the two challenges of integration? 1. Territorial ? how to command a. China ? language for elite, resettlement b. Rome ? local autonomy, tolerance c. India ? spread caste system 2. Social ? inequality between men/women ? upper/lower class

Chapter 3

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AP World History - Stearns Chapter 3 ? Classical Civilization: India I. Introduction ? difference vs. China a. China focus on politics/related philosophies vs. India focus on religion/social structure b. Less cohesive political structure c. Both were agricultural societies, localist flavor, male ownership, patriarchal, trade II. The Framework for Indian History: Geography and a Formative Period Closer to other civilizations Influenced by Middle East/Mediterranean Persian Empires spilled over/Alexander also . Forced to react and adapt Topography Passes through Himalayas linked India Somewhat set apart Political unity difficult ? greater diversity than middle kingdom River civilizations ? Indus and Ganges Mountainous north ? herding society

The Earth and Its People Chapter 6 Outline

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India and Southeast Asia Grand Thesis:Altogether, India and Southeast Asia and great influences of religion and trade, as well as military decrese and non violence increase. A.Foundations of Indian Civilization:Indian Civilization relied on trade, religion, and agriculture. The Indian Sub Continent:The many topogrphical zones of Indian Civilization brought rainfall, crops, and irrigation. 3 topographical zones: Mountainous, Basins, Peninsula Peninsula has 4 zones: Kerala Coast, Coromandel coast, flat area, (Island of Sri Lanka) Peninsular India has plentiful rainfall Indus Valley relied on irrigation Staple crops wheat and rice 2.The Vedic Age:After the Indo-Europeans came to India, the Caste System and a new religion was born.

Religion chart

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Major World Religions and Philosophies and Their Diffusion Major Religion Origins Beliefs, Values, and Practices Divisions Pattern of Diffusion Impact on the Cultural Landscape Hinduism Indus River Valley cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa achieve Brahman, that there are many different different forms of Brahman karma and reincarnation going to temples, caste system monism vedas sikhism? religion in Bali spread into southeast asia before christianity and islam were created spread across much of South-East Asia, but Buddhism and Islam took over later Buddhism splintered from Hinduism Prince Siddhartha Nepal help the people around you instead of trying to appease a deity knowledge, especially self-knowledge no greed, craving, desire, hurting others, even animals


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?He was an?Indian?emperor of the?Mauryan Dynasty?who ruled almost all of the?Indian subcontinent?from ca. 269 BCE to 232 BCE.[1]?One of India's greatest emperors, Ashoka reigned over most of present-day India after a number of military conquests.
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China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations

China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations

China and India

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Notes : The Origins of Imperial China The Qin Unification of China Qin began to methodically conquer and incorporate other Chinese states By 221 B.C.E. it had unified all northern and central China in the first Chinese ?empire? The name China is probably derived from Qin Qin emerged the ultimate winner because of a combination of factors Toughness and military preparedness Adoption of severe Legalist methods Surpassing ambition of ruthless king Qin monarch Zheng inherited the throne at age 13 Was guided by circle of Legalist advisors Launched a series of wars of conquest After defeating the last of his rivals, he gave himself a title that symbolized the new state of affairs Shi Huangdi (First emperor) Claimed his dynasty would last ten thousand generations


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