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gilded age

business and labor vocabulary

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Business and Labor: The Gilded Age (1865-1900) & Progressivism and Populism (1900-1920) 168. Andrew Carnegie: achieved an abnormal rise in class system(steel industry), pioneered vertical integration (controlled Mesabie Range to ship ore to Pittsburgh), opposed monopolies, used?partnership of steel tycoons (Henry Clay Frick?as a manager/partner), Bessemer steel process 169. Standard Oil Trust: small oil companies sold stock and authority to Rockefeller?s Standard Oil Company (consolidation), cornered world petroleum market 170. John D. Rockefeller: Standard Oil Company, ruthless business tactics (survival of the fittest)

ch 24 outline

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Seamus Moran Chapter 24: Politics in the Gilded Age 1869 ? 1889 1/11/13 The ?Bloody Shirt? Elects Grant Republicans nominated General Ulysses S. Grant for president No political experience Democrats were unorganized Only could agree that they didn?t want military Reconstruction Grant elected through his popularity ?waved bloody shirt? - relived war victories Beat Democrat Horatio Seymour Made mistake that cost them loss Didn?t accept a redemption of greenback for maximum value Republicans couldn?t take victories for granted- election was close The Era of Good Stealings Population was still rising despite Civil War High immigration Politics were corrupt Railroad promoters took advantage of uneducated customers

Gilded Age

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The Problems of Peace All rebel (Confederate) leaders were pardoned by President Johnson in 1868. Freedmen Define Freedom Emancipation took effect unevenly in different parts of the conquered Confederacy. Some slaves resisted the liberating Union armies due to their loyalty to their masters. The church became the focus of black community life in the years following emancipation. Blacks formed their own churches pastured by their own ministers. Education also arose for the blacks due to the emancipation proclamation. Blacks now had the opportunity to learn to read and write. The Freedmen's Bureau Because many freedmen (those who were freed from slavery) were unskilled, unlettered,

Graft and Corruption: Politics in the Gilded Age

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US History Graft , Corruption, and Politics Immigration Restrictions The Rise of Nativism ? Melting pot?in U.S. people blend by abandoning native culture - immigrants don?t want to give up cultural identity ? Nativism?overt favoritism toward native-born Americans ? Nativists believe Anglo-Saxons superior to other ethnic groups ? Some object to immigrants? religion: many are Catholics, Jews ? 1897, Congress passes literacy bill for immigrants; Cleveland vetoes - 1917, similar bill passes over Wilson?s veto I Forgot To Mention? Elections were always close Power switched between Republicans & Democrats 1877 to 1897: Only twice did either party control both White House & Congress (lasted two years) Politics During Gilded Age Characterized By:


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