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Great Depression

The Great Depression Notes

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904 Chapter 31 MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES ECONOMICS An economic depression in the United States spread throughout the world and lasted for a decade. Many social and economic programs introduced worldwide to combat the Great Depression are still operating. ? coalition government ? Weimar Republic ? Great Depression ? Franklin D. Roosevelt ? New Deal 2 SETTING THE STAGE By the late 1920s, European nations were rebuilding war- torn economies. They were aided by loans from the more prosperous United States. Only the United States and Japan came out of the war in better financial shape than before. In the United States, Americans seemed confident that the country would continue on the road to even greater economic prosperity. One sign of this was the

US History II Finals Guide

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1 6/16/2009, 6/17/2009 U.S. History II Final Study Guide Question-and-Answer 1. What were three causes of the Great Depression? a. Stock market crash b. Uneven distribution of wealth c. High tariffs and other disruptions of world trade 2. What three things did Hoover do to try to end the depression? a. Gave tax cuts b. Higher tariffs c. A limited program of public works 3. What does the stock market ?crash? refer to? a. The huge drop in the value of stocks 4. What is the chronological order of the presidential administrations of the 1920?s and 1930?s? a. Harding b. Coolidge c. Hoover d. Roosevelt 5. What were three effects of the Great Depression? a. Millions unemployed b. Malnutrition in children c. Fewer marriages

Great Depression DBQ Notes

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Warren Harding/Calvin Coolidge Business Antitrust laws feebly enforced. Trade associations created (and encouraged) and used to agree on standardization of product, publicity campaigns, and united fronts against other businesses. Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) came to be dominated by men who were sympathetic to the railroads. Esch-Cummins Transportation Act (1920) encouraged private consolidation of the railroads and guaranteed their profitability. Farmers Capper-Volstead Act (1921) exempted farmers' marketing cooperatives from antitrust prosecution. McNary-Haugen Bill (1924-1928) was proposed energetically, but vetoed twice by Calvin Coolidge. Would have authorized the government to buy up surpluses and sell them abroad, thus keeping prices high. Miscellaneous


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