Compound Naming and Molecular and Empirical Formulas
Compound Naming Ionic: ends in ?ide NaCl -binary compound (two element) - a ratioempirical formula - sodium chlorineide Metals: use roman numbers to indicate charge What happens when you are naming metals? -Metals can take on a number of charges, and thus don?t have a set charge. For example: Cr+3Cl3- and Cr+2Cl2 both would be called ?chromium chloride? if we use the above rule. Thus, we resort to using roman numerals to denote charge. Cr+2Cl2 is now known as chromium III chloride Cr+3Cl3- is now known as chromium II chloride. Molecular: denote subscripts make sure the molecule doesn?t consist of ionic or metallic bonds CO carbon MONoxide CO2 carbon DIoxide P2S5 DIphosphorus PENTsulfide NOTE: put cations (positive) first Emperical Formula: reduce the numbers C1H2O1=CH2O