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supreme court

Civics Chapter 10 Test

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CADCCDBDBCACDCBAADCBAAD Study Guide - Civics Chapter 10 The Judicial Branch Mr. Ron McCants, Teacher Answers on pages 5-7 Matching KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement below. a. judicial review h. precedent b. original jurisdiction i. appellate jurisdiction c. opinion j. plaintiff d. appeal k. judicial restraint e. circuit courts l. courts of appeals f. judicial activism m. defendant g. prosecution ____ 1. government body that brings a criminal charge against the accused ____ 2. individual or group that brings a complaint against another party ____ 3. another name for courts of appeals ____ 4. request for a higher court to review a case ____ 5. power of the Supreme Court to overturn laws

Supreme Court Ideology

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John G. Roberts, Jr. ? Justice Roberts is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and has conservative tendencies. Roberts practices judicial minimalism ? case-specific interpretation of the Constitution as an alternative to the excess extremes of both sides ? of the views and advocates respect for precedent rather than broader approaches, such as originalism.


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History of a country is the root of its citizens History is basically the description of the change of human life style, the process and the way a country has gone through and the incidents within. It might sound so simple and unimportant to know about it but actually history is the story of how people end up as they are right now. For example, let?s say that there is a Chinese man living in a rural village. History tells him how his country was formed, how his region and his village were formed by whom, and how his ancestors settled in that area. The reason why this Chinese man sits in that area History is the Foundation of One?s Identity Kyeongtae Kim (19 95 - Present ) I

The Judiciary

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Chapter 16: The Federal Courts I. The Nature of the Judicial System (504-507) A. Introduction The judicial system in the United States is an adversarial one in which the courts provide an arena for two parties to bring their conflict before an impartial arbiter. Most cases never reach trial because they are settled by agreements reached out of court. In a criminal law case, an individual is charged by the government with violating a specific law. Civil law involves disputes between two parties and defines relationships between them. B. Participants in the Judicial System

Chapter 16- The Judiciary

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Chapter 16: The Federal Courts I. The Nature of the Judicial System (504-507) A. Introduction The judicial system in the United States is an adversarial one in which the courts provide an arena for two parties to bring their conflict before an impartial arbiter. Most cases never reach trial because they are settled by agreements reached out of court. In a criminal law case, an individual is charged by the government with violating a specific law. Civil law involves disputes between two parties and defines relationships between them. B. Participants in the Judicial System

American government pt 2

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The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that constitute the United States, as well as one capital district, and several other territories. The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively; the powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court.

american government pt1

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The government of the United States of America is the federal government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that constitute the United States, as well as one capital district, and several other territories. The federal government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, respectively; the powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court.

Judiciary Vocabulary

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1. "Court Packing Plan" FDR's New Deal legislation was being overturned by the supreme court and it didn't look like there were going to be justices to retire any time soon. So FDR tried to pack the court with around 9 new justices. it didn't work 2. 4th Amendment ..., No unreasonable searches or siezures 3. adversarial system where two parties with conflicting interests "compete" against each other in front on an independent and impartial third party or parties 4. Allegheny v ACLU ..., Chanukah and Christmas displays are permitted in public places but not one display and not the other (doesn't include houses) (1989) 5. American Center for Law and Justice ..., conservative, Christian pro-life group 6. amicus curiae

Judiciary Vocab

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1. "Court Packing Plan" FDR's New Deal legislation was being overturned by the supreme court and it didn't look like there were going to be justices to retire any time soon. So FDR tried to pack the court with around 9 new justices. it didn't work 2. 4th Amendment ..., No unreasonable searches or siezures 3. adversarial system where two parties with conflicting interests "compete" against each other in front on an independent and impartial third party or parties 4. Allegheny v ACLU ..., Chanukah and Christmas displays are permitted in public places but not one display and not the other (doesn't include houses) (1989) 5. American Center for Law and Justice ..., conservative, Christian pro-life group 6. amicus curiae

Judicial Process

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Steven Cooper Political Science POLS 203 Dr. Bednar Exam 1 7 March 2013 (Cross) Examination #1 ?Social and economic inequalities, for example inequalities of wealth and authority, are just only if they result in compensating benefits for everyone, and in particular for the least advantaged members of society.? ~ John Rawls Section 1


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