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Literary Terms

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Mrs. Warren English I Fiction Literary Terms Fiction: Any writing from the author?s imagination. Narrative fiction: any writing from the author?s imagination that tells a story. It may be a short story, a novella, a novellette, a novel. Character: a person or animal in a story or work of literature. Characterization: the process by which a writer makes that character seem real to the reader. Protagonist: the main character of a story who is left changed by the conflict. A protagonist DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A HERO. The protagonist may not be a likable character, but he or she MUST be left changed by the conflict in the story Antagonist: the character, force, or collection of forces which oppose the protagonist and give rise to the conflict of the story

As I Lay Dying Study Guide

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Brandon Scherr Chapter Summaries and Character List Darl Darl Bundren describes walking with his brother Jewel across a field toward their house. They then reach where Vernon Tull, the Bundrens? wealthier neighbor, has stacked two chairs on his wagon. At the top of the bluff, Darl and Jewel?s older brother, Cash, is dutifully fitting boards together for a coffin for their mother, Addie. Darl walks past Cash and enters the house. Cora

1984 Reading Guide

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Brandon Scherr 2/18/14 1984 Reading Guide #1 In the first sentence they show the use of military time saying the clock strikes thirteen. His living quarters make it appear as if more than one person is living there. Aside from the telescreen in the corner of the room, there is a poster that says, ?Big Brother is Watching.? The government tries to control everybody through various ways, such as the telescreens, the thought police, and the police peering through windows and searching rooms. The three party slogans are: ?War is Peace?, ?Freedom is Slavery?, and ?Ignorance is Strength?. Winston hides his journal/diary that he purchased from a small shop behind the brick. Winston writes about a War movie he had seen in theatres a while back.

Walking Dead questions

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Christian Boujaoude September 18, 2014 Pd. 9 Kroposky Walking Dead Questions 1. Being an individual means being fully alive and mentally stable, making rational decisions. It means have every lobe in your brain at fully capacity. It means caring for other people and not just surviving. 2. In the Walking Dead, individualism is pervasive in the American culture because there are many instances where characters make decisions based on their individual needs rather than compromising and working with the group. Being selfish would be an example of individualism, because the group is not in the person?s mind.

Key Terms to help on AP Literature exam

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9/3/13 8:55 AM Abstract something that discusses intangible qualities like good vs evil, and seldom uses examples to support its points A cutting from a larger work That was abstract- that was intangible Academic describing style, this means dry and theoretical writing accent in poetry referring to the stressed portion of a word accentual verse system of verse in which accents are used to determine the length of lines of poetry number of syllables is not important acronym a word formed by using initials, like MADD or NASA Ad hominem A logical fallacy that is an argument against man, an attack on person?s character rather than a rebuttal to his or her actual opinion Ad populum


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Analysis: Chapters I?V It is appropriate that The Awakening, which is essentially a novel about the social constraints of women in the Victorian era, opens with the shrieking complaint of a constrained parrot: ?Go away! Go away! For God?s sake.? These words, the first in The Awakening, immediately hint at the tragic nature of the novel, as the bird echoes the phrases of rejection and rebuff that it has heard time and again. Although Madame Lebrun?s parrot speaks English, French, and ?a little Spanish,? it also speaks a ?language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking-bird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes. . . .? Caged and misunderstood, the parrot?s predicament mirrors Edna?s.

AP English Language and Composition Resource

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Adapted from V. Stevenson, Patrick Henry High School, and Abrams? Glossary of Literary Terms Terms ? AP English Language and Composition These terms should be of use to you in answering the multiple-choice questions, analyzing prose passages, and composing your essays. allegory ? The device of using character and/or story elements symbolically to represent an abstraction in addition to the literal meaning. In some allegories, for example, an author may intend the characters to personify an abstraction like hope or freedom. The allegorical meaning usually deals with moral truth or a generalization about human existence.


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