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Walking Dead questions

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Christian Boujaoude September 18, 2014 Pd. 9 Kroposky Walking Dead Questions 1. Being an individual means being fully alive and mentally stable, making rational decisions. It means have every lobe in your brain at fully capacity. It means caring for other people and not just surviving. 2. In the Walking Dead, individualism is pervasive in the American culture because there are many instances where characters make decisions based on their individual needs rather than compromising and working with the group. Being selfish would be an example of individualism, because the group is not in the person?s mind.


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SOCIOLOGY NOTES CHAPTER 5 FEB 26 THE ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION People assume that others will share their interpretations of a situation. Shared interpretations include situational norms, which create cues for appropriate behavior. Dress Manner Actions Communication (verbal and non-verbal) Interaction norms and expectations are learned through socialization INTERACATION INCLUDES VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication: interactions using facial expressions, the head, eye contact, body posture, gestures, touch, walk, status symbols, and personal space Personal space: an example of non-verbal communication The amount of personal space people need varies by: Culture setting Gender Status Social context Personal space communicates social positions


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SOCIOLOGY NOTES FEB 10 CULTURE: MATERIAL vs. NONMATERIAL Material culture: All human made artifacts we can see or touch Nonmaterial culture: thoughts, language, feelings, beliefs, values, Attitudes Values: shared judgments about right of wrong Beliefs: ideas we hold about life, about where we fit in, about the way society works Ideal culture: how things ?should? be Real culture: the way things are actually done NORMS: rules of behavior shared by members of a society and rooted in the value system NORMS Rules of behavior shared by members of a society and rooted in the value system Examples: brush your teeth, finish high school, do not murder Include: Folkways Mores Laws Taboos FOLKWAYS Customs or desirable behaviors Examples: cheating on a spouse LAWS


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SOCIOLOGY NOTES CHAPTER 5 FEB 26 THE ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION People assume that others will share their interpretations of a situation. Shared interpretations include situational norms, which create cues for appropriate behavior. Dress Manner Actions Communication (verbal and non-verbal) Interaction norms and expectations are learned through socialization INTERACATION INCLUDES VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Non-verbal communication: interactions using facial expressions, the head, eye contact, body posture, gestures, touch, walk, status symbols, and personal space Personal space: an example of non-verbal communication The amount of personal space people need varies by: Culture setting Gender Status Social context Personal space communicates social positions


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SOCIOLOGY NOTES FEB 10 CULTURE: MATERIAL vs. NONMATERIAL Material culture: All human made artifacts we can see or touch Nonmaterial culture: thoughts, language, feelings, beliefs, values, Attitudes Values: shared judgments about right of wrong Beliefs: ideas we hold about life, about where we fit in, about the way society works Ideal culture: how things ?should? be Real culture: the way things are actually done NORMS: rules of behavior shared by members of a society and rooted in the value system NORMS Rules of behavior shared by members of a society and rooted in the value system Examples: brush your teeth, finish high school, do not murder Include: Folkways Mores Laws Taboos FOLKWAYS Customs or desirable behaviors Examples: cheating on a spouse LAWS

Terms Summary- Chapter 18

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Ch 18 Study Tips Xmas Exam 2012 a reaction to frustration: frustration leads to anger bystander effect: the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present. chameleon effect: subconsciously mimicking one another?s body language. cognitive dissonance: the clashing between our thoughts/feelings and our actions. We adjust our attitudes to fit our actions. critical thinking : thinking that does not simple accept a thought but rather examines it in depth. deindividuation: the loss of self awareness and self restraint in group situations resulting in arousal or bad behaviour. foot-in-the -door phenomenon: the tendency for people to agree with a larger request if they have first completed a smaller request.


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Sociology Study Guide: Chapter Two Culture-total lifestyle of people? includes: ideas, values, knowledge, behaviors, and material objects they share. Material culture-all the objects or artifacts made or used by people Non-material culture-have no physical existence Four elements of culture: Beliefs-most basic component of culture. Conceptions people have about what is true in the world Values- peoples? ideas about good or bad; right or wrong. Beliefs with a moral significance Norms-rules of conduct that guide people?s behavior in particular situations (how people should behave) Sanctions-rewards of punishments for conforming to or violating laws Three types of Norms: Folkways-customary and widely performed but not required


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Sociology Study Guide: Chapter Two Culture-total lifestyle of people? includes: ideas, values, knowledge, behaviors, and material objects they share. Material culture-all the objects or artifacts made or used by people Non-material culture-have no physical existence Four elements of culture: Beliefs-most basic component of culture. Conceptions people have about what is true in the world Values- peoples? ideas about good or bad; right or wrong. Beliefs with a moral significance Norms-rules of conduct that guide people?s behavior in particular situations (how people should behave) Sanctions-rewards of punishments for conforming to or violating laws Three types of Norms: Folkways-customary and widely performed but not required
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