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Brave New World Reduction

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Brave New World Summarize Major Points: The major points within this text seem to be of the order of the cast system, the pressured promiscuity with no procreation, to always be in a drug induced stupor, to have stability all costs, and no free thinking. Climax/Resolution: The climax of this texts takes place when John The Savage is causing a commotion in the park and trying to stop all of the soma from being rationed. Near the end, he gives into the Brave New World lifestyle and partakes in an orgy. Saddened and frustrated he was submissive enough to give in, he hangs himself. Specific Events:

Arts in the Gilden Age

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For each work give a brief statement of its theme and significance Arts in the Gilded Age Walt Whitman, Democratic Vistas Some of the themes of this novel are the cycle of growth and death, the beauty of nature, and democracy as a way of life. The significance of this novel is Stephen Crane, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 William Dean Howells, The Rise of Silas Lapham Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur?s Court
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Literary Character Types

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Character Types Protagonist main character in a literary work Antagonist character or force that blocks the . protagonist Round Flat Dynamic Static Foil complex, multi-faceted character character that can be defined by using only one or two personality traits character that changes by' the end of the story character that remains consistent in his/her personality traits throughout the story (doesn't change) character used as a contrast to another character
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Animal Farm Responses-EVHS Mrs.Dumonceaux

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Harini Pasupuleti Period 3+4 The general message of the seven commandments is that there can be no leader, and the leadership comes out of the people. It also asserts animal dominance over the human race, and did not want to be like the humans. The point of these commandments was to rule the animals without human aid. Sugar Candy mountain symbolizes heaven, because there is no problems or any difficulty in Sugar Candy mountain. The pigs discourage this because it symbolizes religion which is human like.

ANTHEM practice questions

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Questions for Anthem Chapter One 1. From what point of view is this story told and how do you know? 2. Why does the narrator use plural pronouns to refer to himself? 3. What type of conflict is described in this chapter? man vs. ______________ 4. What evidence is provided that reveals the society in which the narrator lives is a repressive society? 5. What is the narrator?s name? 6. What are two ways by which the narrator is different than most people? 7. Where do children live until they reach the age of five? 8. What happens to children when they reach the age of fifteen? 9. What career does the narrator wish to be assigned? 10. What are some things taught in school that are incorrect? 11. What occupation is the narrator assigned?


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The wind picked up in that instant. Sand thrashed about the open area. As all of this natural existents went down a man watched close by. His short, brown hair whirled upward, trench coat fluttered behind him. His gaze kept on the waves that crashed about the shore. Finally, sunlight came through the clouds, hitting the man, giving him an angelic glow. His stare went upward into the light. His crystal, blue eyes glistened in the light but soon that faded away. The dark clouds formed in front of the sun once more, giving the day its original gloomy look.


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The wind picked up in that instant. Sand thrashed about the open area. As all of this natural existents went down a man watched close by. His short, brown hair whirled upward, trench coat fluttered behind him. His gaze kept on the waves that crashed about the shore. Finally, sunlight came through the clouds, hitting the man, giving him an angelic glow. His stare went upward into the light. His crystal, blue eyes glistened in the light but soon that faded away. The dark clouds formed in front of the sun once more, giving the day its original gloomy look.

2 AP LANG papers

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The Era of the ?Common Man? The Jacksonian Period lived up to its characteristics of being the era of the ?common man.? Andrew Jackson allowed the common man an equal chance achieving success through his economic development, political development, and reform movements. During the era of the ?common man? the common man was the the middle class white male. President Andrew Jackson was the first American to come from humble beginnings and to become the President, this personified the idea of the self-made man. Andrew Jackson also personified the common man because he had been born to a family not of means. Both of Jackson?s parents died when he was young and he fended for himself then worked his way into the military then later became the first president not born from wealth.?


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