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Plymouth Colony

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Plymouth Colony/Mayflower Puritans -16th century saw the Protestant reformation by Martin Luther, England turned Protestant -1603 James I became the King of England -was Catholic -Therefore, head of Church of England -Puritans disliked King James I Puritan Beliefs: ? Everyone can read/interpret Bible ? Everyone can own a Bible ? Small groups ? Prayed together ? Subset called 'Separatists' ? wanted to leave England 1608 -100 Separatists leave for liberal Holland -Grew to 400, but after about a decade, the Puritans realised Holland was sinful for their youth 1620 -These Puritans decide to leave for the New World -Only 50 of the Puritans could secure a ticket on the Mayflower, along with 50 non-Puritans

Important People/Events During Egypt's Old Kingdom

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A very quick list of the very most important people and events during Egypt's Old Kingdom.

The Old Kingdom (2686 B.C.E. - 2134 B.C.E.)

Notable Pharoahs

  • - Djoser (2668 B.C.E. - 2649 B.C.E.)
  • - Sneferu (2613 B.C.E. - 2589 B.C.E.)
  • - Khufu/Cheops (2589 B.C.E. - 2566 B.C.E.)

Architectural Feats

  • Great Pyramid, along with other pyramids
  • - First pyramid built for Pharaoh Djoser
  • Tombs
  • Sphinx

Other Facts


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You think I'm pretty Without any make-up on You think I'm funny When I tell the puch line wrong I know you get me So I'll let my walls come down, down Before you met me I was a wreck But things were kinda heavy You brought me to life Now every February You'll be my valentine, valentine Let's go all the way tonight No regrets, just love We can dance until we die You and I We'll be young forever You make me Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream The way you turn me on I can't sleep Let's runaway And don't ever look back Don't ever look back My heart stops When you look at me Just one touch Now baby I believe This is real So take a chance And don't ever look back Don't ever look back We drove to Cali And got drunk on the beach Got a motel and Built a fort out of sheets

Chapters 1-5 Vocabulary

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Chapter 1 Bering Land Bridge and nomadic hunters ? Once the sea level dropped, a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America in the area of the present-day Bering Sea between Siberia and Alaska was exposed. Nomadic Asian hunters are the ?immigrant? ancestors of the Native Americans. Incas ? The Incas were in Peru. Mayans ? The Mayans were in Central America. Aztecs ? The Aztecs were a Native American Empire who lived in Mexico. Their capital was Tenochtitlan. They worshipped everything around them especially the sun. Cortes conquered them in 1521.

Date Chart (1450-1740)

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Sheet 1 - Table 1 Date Event 1450 printing press 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas 1497 John Cabot (E) 1500"0" conquistadores 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon (S) 1514 Magellan left 1521 Cortes conquered Aztecs 1521 Juan Ponce de Leon (S) 1522 returned home 1530"30" Protestant Reformation (KHII) 1540"40" Hernando de Soto (S) 1540 Coronando led expedition 1588 Spanish armada 1607 first settlement of Virginia 1609 Spanish province founded 1609 - 1610 Starving time 1612 Massasoit signed treaty w/ Pilgrims 1619 House of Burgesses 1620 Mayflower Compact 1620 Virginia company of London 1621 Thanksgiving 1630 Massachusettes Bay Colony 1638 Anne Hutchinson 1639 Connecticut?s fundamental Orders 1649 Act of Toleration 1660 restoration of Charles II 1660 William Penn

Fears Chart

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fear source of fear provision to calm the fear fear of large states smaller states feared a loss identity and sovereignty great compromise, establishing a bicameral legislature fear of the people men of property feared mass democracy only the House of Res was to be popularly elected fear of weak central govt. men of property were concerned about shays? rebellion, trade barriers, lack of a uniform currency essential powers of national govt. were enumerated and elastic clause was added fear of central govt. states feared loss of sovereignty federalism split sovereignty, powers not delegated to national govt. were reserved for states fear of unwritten word relationship with the british who have no written constitution caused concern constitution was written

The History Place

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*A D V E R T I S E M E N T* Your page is loading... Replay Ad The History Place - American Revolution Early Colonial Era Beginnings to 1700 *1000* *A.D. *-* *Leif Ericson, a Viking seaman, explores the east coast of North America and sights Newfoundland, establishing a short-lived settlement there. *1215* - The Magna Carta document is adopted in England, guaranteeing liberties to the English people, and proclaiming basic rights and procedures which later become the foundation stone of modern democracy. *1492* - Christopher Columbus makes the first of four voyages to the New World, funded by the Spanish Crown, seeking a western

Unit 1 Review Sheet-Colonial America

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Review Sheet: Colonial America 2010 What role did the following play in the discovery of the new world? Commercial revolution Protestant reformation- made puritans leave Italian renaissance- thinking about humanism-make better life Age of Discovery- compass, caravel sails, etc The rise of nation states- needed people to pay the bills to discover new colonies How were slaves treated in South Carolina compared to other colonies?- Slaves outnumber American population Describe Native American culture prior to colonial settlement What is the Puritan ?doctrine of the covenant??- govern under gods law. Which European nation was the last to colonize in North America?-French Define:

AP Economics Unit 1 Vocabulary

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Unit 1 Vocabulary Economics ? the social science concerned with the efficient use of scarce resources to achieve the maximum satisfaction of economic wants Economic perspective ? economic way of thinking Marginal analysis ? comparisons of marginal benefits and marginal costs Scientific method ? used to test a hypothesis and evolve it into a theory Theoretical economics ? the role of economic theorizing is to systematically arrange facts, interpret them, and generalize from them Principles ? statements about economic behavior or the economy that enable prediction of the probable effects of certain actions Generalizations ? economic principles are expressed as the tendencies of typical or average consumers, workers, or business firms


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